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特別消息 : Honda宣佈退出F1

剛剛宣佈: from japan yahoo news


[ 本帖最後由 fairykingprawn 於 2008-12-5 03:54 PM 編輯 ]


ba 叔同畢頓都冇得撈
原帖由 皇馬_王子 於 2008-12-6 12:40 AM 發表
ba 叔同畢頓都冇得撈
如困本田車隊找到新的買家接手, 佢地兩個可能仲有得玩多年0既
very unfortunate.... i like that team..
it's too bad that team isn't competitive enough with the elite teams....
仲有車隊經理 離開法拉利 玩了一年 沒想到遇到金融海嘯 沒得玩了
這個活動根本係燒錢活動 財力少點都唔掂
原帖由 komojo 於 2008-12-6 01:08 AM 發表

如困本田車隊找到新的買家接手, 佢地兩個可能仲有得玩多年0既
之前honda 都搵左Renault third driver Di Grassi 同bruno senna 去試車
ba 叔好大機會都係加盟失業大軍
原帖由 皇馬_王子 於 2008-12-6 05:44 PM 發表

之前honda 都搵左Renault third driver Di Grassi 同bruno senna 去試車
ba 叔好大機會都係加盟失業大軍
有消息指Jenson Button下週會去Toro Rosso試車,黎緊F1有兩次測試9-11/12
as expected, nothing surprising because the president of F1 Association has mentioned 1 or 2 months ago already
what actually surprising is that Honda is the one quitting because he assumed the teams should be quitting are the ones ranked last or second last
I don't know if the Honda cars are not faster than others or not but MacLauren was mastering the F1 by using Honda engine back then before they replaced with Mercedez engine. Well, they also had the largest horsepower during that time, haha....maybe that was why they mastered the races. Also, seems like the driver really makes a huge impact affecting the result since it seems like there is quite a gap on the driving skills between drivers.
But anyways, the point is that there is an impact coming up if Honda quits. The effect will soon go around several mediums and affect the economy. Prepare for it, guys.

[ 本帖最後由 dawander3r 於 2008-12-8 02:55 AM 編輯 ]
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