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原帖由 ktwu2007 於 2009-3-8 03:24 AM 發表

有無 annie xanga
原帖由 ckyckk 於 2009-3-8 03:22 AM 發表


見到尼個妹妹, 真係令人好心動
原帖由 nbn 於 2009-3-8 03:31 AM 發表

本帖隱藏的內容需要積分高於 2998 才可瀏覽

原帖由 Triangel 於 2009-3-7 09:22 AM 發表

When most of the people are considering if Window 7 going to dominate the future OS, and the rest of anti-window user are going back to Apple Mac OS X, you're telling me picking up Linux are common  ...
The thing with Linux is that it is programmable, and not just that, most servers are using Linux because it is programmable. The difference between Win7/Apple OSX and Linux is just that, and that makes a huge difference. Windows 7 and OS X will not dominate the entire future OS, quite simply because they both have flaws in them. I've seen Win 7 in action, it's really good but it's just an upgraded Vista. The world of computers are still stuck with the same interface systems, the last great change was the USB or maybe DVDs, it's not like they've found a new form of storage of information. OSX, i work with it every day, and it works better than Vista/XP. Quite simply, when a program freezes, the OS will isolate the program by itself and doesn't affect the entire system. With Vista/7 there's a feature called virtualization which will do that, but Apple has been doing that for ages. Just copying your competition will not bring any better changes. It's just one company emulating another, there's not strive to improve, just "follow the leader".

Linux has a huge cult following, mostly people who can write codes. The difference is that Linux is open source and people are customizing the OS to do what they want. That's a huge difference, both Windows and OSX make people conform to what they are pre-set to do. It makes the entire industry a one size fits all, do what we tell you to, we update when we want you, type of thing. Which is not too great because they are leaning on the fact that most people cannot code. Linux is people sharing their code, it's actually quite closer to what the industry currently calls the "Web 2.0" where information is shared and not privatized. The future isn't in big companies that hog all the resources and hide all the information, when they die because of a economic meltdown, the machines that require these interfaces will become obsolete and will no longer work.
原帖由 ngw 於 2009-3-8 08:59 AM 發表
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [真‧頑童俱樂部] 延續篇2008 -- ∞ | 快啲入嚟繼續呱呱嘈啦 |

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