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NBA季後賽,西岸火箭作客70:89不敵湖人,終以3:4場數被淘汰。上屆西岸冠軍湖人今屆人腳更齊整,堪稱當今NBA陣容最鼎盛的一隊,但卻竟被火箭在缺少姚明及T-mac之下逼入窮巷,打到終極第七戰才淘汰這隊火箭「雜牌殘軍」,真令人大跌眼鏡,而火箭能捱至次圈第七場,已經超額完成目標。希望火箭可以在Full Team 下有更佳表現!!!!!
I don't think losing Yao Ming and T-Mac were that big of a deal. First of all, T-Mac has been playing real bad in recent seasons and he has missed so many games that the Rockets are probably used to playing well without him. Second, Yao Ming slows the team down. With a speedy point guard in Aaron Brooks and a small team overall (no Deke and Scola is tallest at 6-9 after Yao), they should really be playing small ball, but because of Yao, they can't since he slows the team down. Plus, it's no secret that the Lakers have had their troubles with quick point guards e.g. Devin Harris, CP3 and Jameer Nelson.
T-mac is ready not in his best anymore..he lost his explosiveness...also his attitude in ballgames is also a problem ....he and artest is the blackhole on the Rockets ....stops the ball movement of the them.......YAO is definately a important part of Rockets.......after missing Yao.. Rockets is being bullied in the paint areas by Gasol and Buynum and the Rockets can not scores if there outside shooting is being shutdown like Game7 .........
原帖由 skyhookii 於 2009-5-18 11:56 AM 發表
I don't think losing Yao Ming and T-Mac were that big of a deal. First of all, T-Mac has been playing real bad in recent seasons and he has missed so many games that the Rockets are probably used to p ...
Playing small/quick ball is one thing, playing without a dominant center/big man is another thing.

I agree that the quick guards like Brooks and Lowry did gave troubles to the Lakers, and they
do great futures ahead of them.  However, when Scola is the only big man on the roster, Rockets
can't go anywhere.
Yao isn't really that dominant. He's got the size and can shoot over other centers, but he's really too slow and often weak in comparison to opposing centers.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 火箭終不敵湖人被淘汰

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