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The phrase 「波係圓既」 seriously pisses me off. What's it even supposed to mean? And it's not even technically correct. The balls actually have seams around it, making it that slightly not "round". Plus, what would you say in a rugby game? A rugby ball isn't round now, is it?
原帖由 譚生 於 2009-6-10 06:26 PM 發表
原帖由 蝦你波凸 於 2009-6-12 06:41 PM 發表

原帖由 譚生 於 2009-6-12 06:54 PM 發表

Hey, seeing as you "predicted" the Magic to win game three (much like anybody else with a brain cell), please continue predicting so you have some proof if you say "如我所料" again and get flamed. You may wish to consider the following questions in your response:

1. What will be the final score of game five?
2. How many points will Kobe Bryant score?
3. How many blocks will Dwight Howard have?
4. How many offensive fouls will the Lakers be called for?
5. How many seconds will Jordan Farmar play?
6. What will be the largest deficit the Lakers will suffer (if any)?
7. Who will score the first basket of the game?
8. How will the first point(s) of the game be scored?
9. What will be the 3PT% of Courtney Lee?
10. How many charges will Derek Fisher draw?
11. How many former NBA players will be at Amway Arena?
12. What will be the maximum number of shots that Kobe Bryant misses consecutively?

The above are only some you may wish to consider. Feel free to add your own.
原帖由 譚生 於 2009-6-12 06:54 PM 發表

原帖由 skyhookii 於 2009-6-12 08:17 PM 發表

Hey, seeing as you "predicted" the Magic to win game three (much like anybody else with a brain cell), please continue predicting so you have some proof if you say "如我所料" again and get flamed. Yo ...
原帖由 cheery 於 2009-6-12 09:03 PM 發表

原帖由 cheery 於 2009-6-12 09:03 PM 發表

原帖由 譚生 於 2009-6-12 09:19 PM 發表

By the quoted post, it would be perfectly logical in thinking that you are still rooting and do think that the Magic will win this. So please, enlighten me with this supernatural knowledge of yours with detailed statistics of the next three games.
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