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原帖由 brightlee 於 2009-9-21 10:02 PM 發表

Sorry, the Law of the games has been changed ages ago.

Managers normally don't make subsitution during injury time. It is because they couldn't use "time wasting" streagy. It won't work, referee wi ...
唔駛sorry, 因為你講啲野o岩唔哂又錯唔哂. "i.e. subsitution, goal celebration, etc." 球例只有講"substitution", 但無講過"goal celebration".
"If you ask 10 professional referees, they will give you same answer." - 又係呢啲咁既結論... 咁我夠可以話你再問多十個球證會有好唔同既答案咯.
all i have to say Man City came playing for a draw, the score is 3-3 wif the injury time added on, and both side has the chance to go for the win, there is no advantage at that moment of time for either side, and it was man city the negative side who so badly needed tat point that they all went back defending for their lives, so they have themselves to blame for the loss instead of blaming the ref.
原帖由 shehboy 於 2009-9-22 03:25 PM 發表

唔駛sorry, 因為你講啲野o岩唔哂又錯唔哂. "i.e. subsitution, goal celebration, etc." 球例只有講"substitution", 但無講過"goal celebration".
"If you ask 10 professional referees, they will give you sam ...
Yes I am kind of frustrated when some people are saying the referee was bribed or corrupted.
I am definitely appreciated your point of view, even we may have different point of views.

If you ask me "goal celebration", I would group it to be kind of "time wasting" section. Of cos you may not agree about me. To prevent any argument from coaches/managers, referee will be adding any long "stoppage time" in add in time. That's why I think referee Mr Martin Atkinson did the right job, especially players were spending about 1 mins for goal celebration (in both incidents) during add in time.

From my memory, Arsenal did same thing about 2 years ago when they played Man Utd in Emirates Stadium. Robin Van Persie scored the winning goal in late (last attack) add in time, and referee still played about 10 seconds (like this one) after Arsenal did a really long goal celebration time.  
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Manchester Derby [Live Chat]

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