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應該唔洗失望 , 因為利記一場嬴波救左賓帥, 同時令利記日後繼續沉淪落去 ~

賓帥用左六年時間都未執好隊波 ...... 好佩服利記既班主既容忍度
10# filter-052fans

guess man utd still need to maintain top 4..so SAF still has not been picking too many youngsters...another problem is the tactics...Man Utd doesnt have a good tactics for youngster like Arsenal...it is very likely in chaos and not organised if too many youngster playing in senior team at the moment...since Carrick is still not too good in control the temple, with youngsters and Andersen on, they might just keep pushing the ball forward...

but SAF is willing take more risk on selecting young defenders than attackers...dont know why...Da Silva brothers and Evans are already the first team rotators...while Gibson is still fringe players...

it's understandable of not selecting Macheda as he was too high profile during off-season~~~he sort of violated all SAF's pethates...which makes him only played one senior match this season....even Welbeck has more chance than him~~~

extremely agree with the current resereve team....Besides the players you mentioned, Eikrem and Joshua King are extremely promising as well~~(under Ole's nourish~~~) and Matt james~~~
12# 艾官

O'Shea's offense is not the first time to be mentioned...he's a adequate defender only, dont expect him involved in attack at all~~even Brown is way better than him~~~guess only Rafael or Brown will solve the right side attacking problem...

Berbatov has been working hard this season...but today both him and Rooney tended to stay back to take the possession...which made no one takes the pass from them!!!!you can see Berbatov performing good with Owen, because Owen always stays in the very front to wait for chances, unlike Rooney~~~actually Berbatov played not bad tonight, he protected his possession pretty well, and created some passes..only no one stays front to take it~~~
man utd is unlucky this time
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 唉!曼聯 好失望

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