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英國人在上海(Chinabounder): Sex and Shanghai


  下面是一些来自这个名为Sex and Shanghai的博客里的内容,作者自号Chinabounder。我把自己的翻译贴出来,有不准确的地方,欢迎懂英语的朋友来提提意见
  ……In spite of the title of this blog, my whole life is not purely a quest for sex; the company of women is simply more enjoyable than that of men. It seems to me the men in this culture have, mostly, rather little to say for themselves, but the women are confident, articulate and nuanced. Each woman is different; most men are the same. That’s why 95% of my friends are women.

Anonymous said..Every male who's interacted with the various women of China knows Shanghai women are the biggest whores in China.
  ChinaBounder 说...
  A lazy piece of stereotyping. Shanghai girls are different to what you suppose. And in any case, neither Mona, nor Tingting, nor Lucy nor Jingjing were Shanghai girls. You, rather like BMPC have a puritanical and prescriptive attitude towards sex. You seem to have decided that Shanghai women behave in a way of which you disapprove and that all women who behave like this must therefore be Shanghai girls.
  You are wrong, and you show that you neither understand the women of Shanghai in particular nor the women of China in general.
  Of course no population can be understood as a whole, since everyone is an individual. And so I do not claim to ‘understand’ women in any especially profound way. But I would hesitate to make such a sweeping and ill-informed statement as you.

Anonymous said: you think making love with a wrong guy is not a big matter,that's just your opinion,actually to many Chinese girls it's a big thing, …and you will probablly destroy her future life!
  ChinaBounder 说...To some it is. To some it is not. Ellen, or Mona, for example – for them sex is fun, passion, excitement. It’s not the be all and end all of human existence.
  ChinaBounder 说...对有些人来说是,有一些不是。比如Ellen,Mona,对她们来说性爱是一种快乐、热情、刺激。它并不是人类生活里最重大的事情。
Anonymous said:Chinese girls made themselves 'cheap' and I as a chinese girl sometimes am ashamed..
   this is a curious attitude. Why should you be ashamed for what other Chinese people do? Why can you not see beyond the idea of `being Chinese’ and be an individual? You have no more need to be ashamed of what you perceive as a Chinese person acting in a bad way (though I dispute that they are) than a Muslim has any need to be ashamed of the people who attempted the recent terrorist attacks in Britain.
  ChinaBounder 说..这是一种很奇怪的态度。你为什么要为别的中国人所做的感到羞耻呢?你为什么不能超越“作为中国人”的观念来“作为一个人”?你不需要为你所认为的一个表现糟糕的中国人(尽管我为她们在据理力争)感到羞耻,就象一个穆斯林不必为最近试图在英国制造恐怖袭击的人感到羞耻一样。

[ Last edited by bwk0317 on 2006-10-19 at 12:35 AM ]
why would u hate Chinabounder? he is defending shanghai girls.... in many ways.. it is quite common in westerners' view that SH gals are whores. It is not literally be true, but in essence, shanghai girls do have a prefence towards "whities". I am not a shanghai tho i lived there for quite some time, and it is true that evey white can have sex with shanghai gal easily. (no matter how old and how ugly he is), I have a friend, of coz is a white, complained to me that he cant get rid of shanghai girl when he was there. Girls will jsut bump up to him, ask his name, ask to company him, ask to have sex with him...
No offence but I do also think SH gals are a bit too much.... and I dont think Chinabounder's reason are sufficient nor adequte.
Originally posted by PG-13 at 2006-10-19 01:51 AM:
why would u hate Chinabounder? he i...
我好像在其他地方看過有關這男人的文章. 印象中他說過只有他能滿足女人, 其他中國男人不能云云.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 英國人在上海(Chinabounder): Sex and Shanghai

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