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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【飲食區】 » 原來醋可以減肥、抗氧化、美容又消脂
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以前都聽過下   不過唔會嘗試飲=.=
以前都聽過下   不過唔會嘗試飲=.=
Prevent bright colored clothes from fading -
Before putting the article in the washing machine, soak it in Heinz White Vinegar for ten minutes.

Keep a garbage disposal clean and smelling fresh -
Mix one cup of Heinz Vinegar in enough water to fill an ice cube tray, freeze the mixture, grind the cubes through the disposal, and flush with cold water.

Clean a toilet bowl -
Pour in one cup of Heinz White Vinegar, let it stand for five minutes, and flush.

Clean dentures -
Soak dentures overnight in Heinz White Vinegar, then brush away tartar with a toothbrush.

Remove perspiration stains from clothes -
Apply one part Heinz White Vinegar to four parts water, then rinse.

Deodorize a room filled with cigarette smoke or paint fumes -
Place a small bowl of Heinz White Vinegar in the room.

Cure the hiccups -
Mix one teaspoon Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar in one cup of warm water, and drink.

Eliminate odors from used jars -
Rinse peanut butter and mayonnaise jars with Heinz White Vinegar.

Condition dry hair -
Shampoo, then rinse hair with a mixture of one cup Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar and two cups water. Vinegar adds highlights to brunette hair, restores the acid mantel, and removes soap film and sebum oil.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【飲食區】 » 原來醋可以減肥、抗氧化、美容又消脂

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