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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【每日一篇好文區】 » [轉貼]why it is difficult to find the part time job
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[轉貼]why it is difficult to find the part time job

the life is not simple. as the people grow up , they will encounter very difficult and complex problem. thus, they don't often feel happy as they were children. Although i had the good opportunity to oversea study, i don't feel happy as i was at my hometown with my family. Living in a foreign country with the new and strangge people and custom, i have to spend more time to fit in the new environment . However,the living expend is too expenses. So, i want to find the part time job , but it is not easy to find one. this week i don't have class, so i try to go around the street to find the part time job, but i ask for ten stores, just two of them let me leave the phone numbe. now, my monthly expand is increase because i have just had a car, so i have to pay the insurance of the car and the payment of gasoline. although my parents said that they would sponsor every thing for me, but now i am not a teenager again, i am a college student, so i want to find the part time job to share the living expand for my parents.
but why it is so difficult.
Where do you live?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN» 吹水版 » 【每日一篇好文區】 » [轉貼]why it is difficult to find the part time job

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