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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 皇馬邊個會被清洗??
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Originally posted by lliu at 2005-4-5 23:07:
I think Wenger should let Reyes go.....and get owen + cash for him...
I know he is only 21, but if he could not settle and play consistanly for Arsenal( 2 years now ), why not sell him and get Owen for a cheap price.....plus Arsenal would not loss money in him.......and get a English international...which Arsenal need cos there are not enough at Arsenal first eleven..
owen is a typical striker
can he fit into Arsenal style?
Originally posted by lliu at 2005-4-5 23:09:
RM and Arsenal should have this deal...Reyes to RM
Owen and Woodgate to Arsenal
Woodgate to Arsenal?
Woodgate 破璃腳........
Originally posted by gnat at 2005-4-5 11:10 PM:

owen is a typical striker
can he fit into Arsenal style?
I think owen can be a better player under Wenger....
And if Henry is injury...Wenger need someone who could lead the front line..
and Reyes doesnt have a fixed position at Arsenal....which I think he will end up like wiltrod( unhappy at the club ).....but I think if he does stay at Arsenal, he could replace Pires in 2 years time...pires is getting old now...
No, Owen would not suitable in Arsenal.
the attacking style is too different for Gunners, compare to other team....
they will use Van Persie, Reyes, or some teens when they need to,......
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by gnat at 2005-4-5 11:11 PM:

Woodgate to Arsenal?
I know Woodgate is injury for the whole season, but Arsenal need someone at the back..
Toure and Campbell is good.....Senderos is improving....Cygan is not even good enough to play at the reserve team......if they sign Woodgate, he could have more option at the back..because Toure can play at right back as well, so there are more choices for Wenger.
Woodgate is also playing very well before he moved to madrid, but the only problem is he always get injury... he can be the next Tony Adam
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-4-5 11:20 PM:
No, Owen would not suitable in Arsenal.
the attacking style is too different for Gunners, compare to other team....
they will use Van Persie, Reyes, or some teens when they need to,......
If henry is injury, the remaining strike force would be all second striker..Bergkamp, Reyes, Van Persi..
For the last 6 Years, Wenger always try to play one striker and one second striker in the team
Wright and Bergkamp
Anelka and Bergkamp
Wreh and Bergkamp
Suker and Kanu
Henry and Bergkamp

now they have three second striker in their team and not enough striker..so i think Owen would be a good buy...Jeremie Aliadiere and Lupoli is not mature enough for next season
Dennis will stay one more year if my memories not wrong,
do u forget Bentley?!

they should have 4 strikers (or 5)at least nowadays....

Jeremie Aliadiere.. oh forget about him.........
they have another teens for the Dutch too.. (I forget his name...really hard to spell it)
yes, youth maybe a problem.. but if the midfield line would not liking as horrible as this year.. so many players got injury, I think they will be ok......
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
out: ronaldo
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 皇馬邊個會被清洗??

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