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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [4/26吹水加分題]你會大義滅親嗎?
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勸佢收手+ U) a/ [: ?+ }* g+ D+ i
假如仍不知悔改就要佢負上法律責任+ O" h0 T# Q3 Q' {1 H* L& Q
in fact, under this situation, we really would not be so intellective sometimes, that means we will solve it in a little bit "9" way
& a- X! Q3 T7 l. P/ E* Cconsider in the following (not in order):
: K( c, n) c) @4 S1 k4 s# K4 Z! O  h  l: B6 j! K
1st, how close the relationship we are?1 j! T0 a) Q. W
2nd, how serious he/she has done?
5 [: Q0 R, U  W* G3rd, would it affect other seriouly after i help/not help him?
3 I. b+ S+ Y  E* o  ^5 I3 e+ y4th, even worst problem he/she has made, why he/she did it? any good excuse?7 ]" N) o+ {( }7 g- Y

- g& C$ ?/ z! Lfor me:
- V% [* }. b. O) b# qi may ask my "good heart" first, that means i may 大義滅親 if they have done a serious problem, just like murder because this is gd way for they to self-questioning and searching, also this is a 交代 to the victim.
) G/ w0 Q. g0 h: Y1 ubut if they have a very good excuse, just like self protection, then i may advice them to surrender, because their crime can be understood under Law (just like HK this kind of place with gd law situation)" {/ P9 Q& K: {- b6 W" m5 \" G1 G
but for some situations just like murder in China, smuggle of drugs in thai land, than they must die, then i may help them to cop, but sure they should have a very good excus for me to help !!!- a9 v8 m8 \  l. a1 t
- W, n! F4 @0 Y+ ]
but whatever, i think we should put our 良心 first b4 doing anything and need to 將心比己!!!

觀點/角度 好難答
不能比成我了,就事论事吧,因果关系,所谓大义灭亲,这个大义是指大局,大事,大众的利益来看。所以舍弃亲情,来用法律或善恶惩罚来对待亲人,第一个例子呢,我认做得对,这算是大义救亲吧,小偷小摸终会铸成大错,在大错之前,绳之亲子,算是救他,助他而已,谈不上灭,可能是父亲一片苦心。. m- g8 F% K* }2 y' t$ a
第二个呢,是小义灭亲吧,这个小义是指怕连累自己,拖累家人,而举报,如仅仅为了减少对社会危险,那么方式不局限于报警这个极端手法。: i6 g8 y, Z  p. f7 o: J
無論要滅邊個% Q: m' K* @# K: e  k
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [4/26吹水加分題]你會大義滅親嗎?

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