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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 球狀3D地圖, 街道, 地理, 商店--如圖片
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球狀3D地圖, 街道, 地理, 商店--如圖片

original link - http://earth.google.com/index.html
" i$ G& a- k! F. L2 Y4 z/ Y
2 x* x9 g+ E9 Bdownload link - http://earth.google.com/products.html- M8 j$ C' \) ~, O6 [6 t6 U& @$ y
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+ J7 R) [$ K0 f! j2 yI have seen this system 2 years ago and they used to call "keyhole", but now I guess google is too rich that they wanna buy the whole keyhole company, now I guess they are under google, anyway. This is a really interseting program that lead us able to go through every single street and even the little things like ATM or gas station at home. Try to download the 7 days free trial of the google earth Pro. It got the high revolution picture amze you!! They even have map for the middle east (of cuz, it's a US company, maybe even for the military use). Recently they updated the map in south Asia, maybe they wanna see how is the effect after the Tsunami. Unfortunately, they don't have the 3-D map for China, you know, communist. Wel..., it's something interseting to feel how little people are when you see the earth from up high in the sky. $ O$ c$ f3 c5 g8 ?% ^: T4 R
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report by madafuka


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 球狀3D地圖, 街道, 地理, 商店--如圖片

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