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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » car expert please help !! question about lowering car ( change suspension ) !!
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car expert please help !! question about lowering car ( change suspension ) !!

if i want to lower my car , how much is suitable ??
5 D/ o0 T3 ^& {7 ~8 E$ o1 N0 P6 s1 t; g7 [2 G# F) L
i have 1.5 inch in my mind , but want some opinions from u guys !! thanks for the help
have to see what kind of car u've got* G. T0 f0 t8 V1 b2 I  R9 e& Q, P
is it a ff, fr 4wd etc...
. m  ?( i/ v4 w8 v+ Kcoz it will affect the handling and maintance matter& ]2 z, \2 J; z1 x  p% P

, f) r0 m" r. F, bfor safer, a bigger rim has a same effect
Originally posted by molalal at 2005-7-14 09:42 PM:2 k9 D7 k: }7 U% c+ A0 E
have to see what kind of car u've got
: \( [$ m% H# s2 n# Pis it a ff, fr 4wd etc... ; d' f2 o0 h( l, V. L/ `
coz it will affect the handling and maintance matter
" Z8 Q7 e  J0 t/ y& k6 r- [# j- p! z/ b/ P1 q
for safer, a bigger rim has a same effect
# y) i4 K9 U, a( r% ^
6 [; C( E) S! W1 s' i  k3 @, y$ V: y! S& R- m
the rim is 17" , and the car is Mazda " M6 "
and i doesn`t want to make the special move to cross the speed bumps , that is the reason why i ask for the help to see if low 1.5" is suitable or not
u can change ga.....but depends on which arc...
9 ~& t3 u6 a+ j6 r7 e$ }' }lower suspend will make serious problem on the bottom of car..6 t& t1 {# _2 w0 v& s4 D
but the advantages is better stearing...: V  s+ U9 s' E$ |
and also...lower suspend will stertch your front bumper..
+ ?) J6 B  C8 f. f! I" z* o, @i recommended u increase the air intake and get max preformennce on the engine!
anyone likes car in 26fun?. G) T% J* @" I. _9 O
i love cars... y 26fun don't have car forum....
Mazda 6...
: e# H7 G  O% }1 [2 k2 Vi love the one that Cyclops drives in x-men2...1 Q0 Q0 d# Q* u' z1 I
special xmen body kits and 17-inchs x-men rims
) o- t( P' S8 P5 ^2 T# {4 mlooks cool
lowering is not a good options...
3 X( C* E+ j3 |7 ^8 W, ti would change a big red brambo brake calibra and brake disc instead..., O+ ]4 ~0 w/ g& ?: Y$ n* c; S/ E$ P
at lease easier to spot and safer
) _* _& r! o4 u  e% P* mhaha
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » car expert please help !! question about lowering car ( change suspension ) !!

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