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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有啖苦水...........
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Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2006-7-9 12:17 AM:
% G+ O& ]4 X  U$ T; c# m# p6 r! D/ K+ W9 ^$ e/ X5 h6 j8 D+ i' V
3 W: }6 b' ^, R- f+ Z

& e/ q% m3 ~- }仲積小成多...
7 ]3 `" Q. G: b+ {$ R7 P) `
, v; P- U4 M4 g" l& `9 r8 v1 z/ g! z上面英文哥哥講得好好丫,
/ k5 u; C" f5 m5 |; M3 v3 r" T0 D( l+ |; q
outsourced and contract-out係大勢,
! o4 W3 h$ Z1 g9 V1 P9 O" ]# O: }# X7 Q
: V/ P. z, i, f. ?$ L; x; MN年都加唔到一分,
2 |! R1 I% V9 E. {7 V/ m( f- H2 V6 ?5 L! d
現在居然要靠食老本,講經濟,先可以取得三分+ Q1 n9 k& L, j. ~( Y) L
0 m& M4 K, H' {/ H6 A- u' o+ z# K, T3 \) z' I
人到三十,事業冇成,人始老,錢又少,女朋友又要講marry,2 Z8 g4 @9 g4 E
唉...一世.% \- C  m& Z7 S

+ [! U1 h: ]8 L9 z7 [近排有人講,為了解決高齡產婦問題,叫女士先生仔,後讀大學,
) D' a$ H+ B4 M8 X. t2 |) Z6 `/ T! Q" s2 i8 a6 q/ Z
男士都可以改改,先工作,儲少少本,後娶番個靚老婆,都可以架.7 T. }" M, @3 [+ j* k( C( o, F) P
: p( W8 y  x8 X1 c
積沙成塔,水滴石穿.* @- R% V' U, _3 v# I, @2 P

6 ~$ e8 \2 i) V! K有冇看過一丘和尚?

排名就是力量,google, yahoo講左俾你知
Originally posted by stockman at 2006-7-9 00:38:8 c7 n7 d0 T, Y; [
troubleHK: people from different ge...
/ j" P2 b) H1 Z) f& p6 J/ `! n

1 k, A2 \0 k4 {, n/ k9 N+ n  J
2 b2 w/ V/ q! O; ~$ H+ stotally agree~/ y: ^- e7 c' m
somehow, we've got a specialty suggestion~
% v% e9 g( I4 p3 Lwonderful opinion and that's really the main point for youth to notice that not to do something perfunctorily, thanks for your sharing~! b  ?" j1 v1 S6 f2 F7 A5 l9 T1 {
- _; D( i: q) t
btw, stockman............nice name~
1 more advice to you troublehk: if you think your (our) generation sucks, imagine the next generation:
# [% f  h. r8 u- V4 z2 B! S' e$ x/ O
- U-grads may not be good enough to compete in HK as probably 1 in 4 people will be u-grads.  They may need a Master's degree to get just a decent job.6 I" y% t3 x+ v; ]5 s* P
- They live and work in a heavyly poluted environment.  You think the air is dirty and weather is hot now?  Imagine how it'll be like in about 20 years.  Imagine you son has to put on that suit and tie to go to work everyday.
% b7 H5 {7 c/ h/ l1 R! I: p- the economic boundaries between HK and China may simply disappear.  In 20 years your children need to compete with millions of highly educated and talented China workers who are good in both English and Mandarin, who don't mind to work hard, and who probably are still willing to take a lot less $ than your children for a job opening.7 K. i* r2 L3 G4 M# @6 a
- since the birth rate is so low right now in HK, you probably will only have a child.  If it's a son (and if he's a traditioinal one), he may eventually need to support you and your spouse and his wife's parents financially.  Why?  Because your daughter-in-law may also be the only child and her parents have no one left to support them after marrying your son.  Your son won't have any siblings to help him out.  Our generations may have a brother or sister to help out to support our parents when they are old, but your son has to take on this baggage all by himself.
4 F9 u' D6 n4 \& F/ [$ P
/ m7 q6 b& d% H6 O% PI know just because telling you how bad the next generation will be probably can't make you feel better now.  Since you said you're about 30 and have worked for about 10 years, I just wanted to talk more reality and fantasy.  Those younger 'kids' in this forum may not understand what I'm talking about but I supposed you may for your age and experience.  I'm sure most of us here in 26FUN belong to the middfle of the pack -- not the top tier of the society but also not the very bottom one.  We all face similar problems and can't seem to find the way out.  Everyday we live just like yesterday.   We can't see the future and we're just not happy.# O; Y4 P5 U: i) {8 f7 b6 G

! n$ U; e" Z4 \: A( X% {And my advice to you is to put things in perspectives as a way to soothe yourself.  Sure you may not have a lot of money and you just hate your job.  But you must have something you're really proud of, right?  Like a good family, a nice wife, a healthy body, etc.  Look at Stephen Hawking.  I have to imagine he's very rich (not super rich but richer than a lot of people) and well known and respected around the world, yet he's stuck in that wheel chair for the rest of his life and can't even hug his wife or kiss her.  Now ask yourself would you rather be him?  Maybe Stephen sometimes just wondered if he could  just be a regular guy and works 60 hours a week, doesn't make a lot of $, and can go to a bar to yell and scream with other people while watching the World Cup?
  F! B4 ^8 T' n) m% @# w; }$ D0 H8 s% x7 c
You just have to believe tomorrow will be a better day!
stockman, I admires your opinion so much, hope we can see you at the next topic~
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