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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【飲食區】 » 美味可口的叉燒飯
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Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-7-26 05:41 PM:

ha??? so cheap??
isn't it suppose to be around $100 for a dish??
Yes, this is really a surprise to me at the first time, as market's bbq rice also need $10
Originally posted by queenly at 2006-7-26 05:40 PM:

$12, 雙併加兩蚊, 不過有菜送, 但係無鼓油
咁平 真定假呀
新榕記 is it the one opp to Chu Wa 茶餐廳 ?
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by clkgtr at 2006-7-26 05:43 PM:

咁平 真定假呀
真係嫁, 你估我係講大話高手咩...
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-7-26 05:45 PM:
新榕記 is it the one opp to Chu Wa 茶餐廳 ?
新榕記唔止一間, 你講緊邊間?
Originally posted by queenly at 2006-7-26 05:45 PM:

真係嫁, 你估我係講大話高手咩...
crazy!!!!! i expected that place to charge you more for that man...
but 12 bucks you can't even get a 叉燒飯 in maxim!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by clkgtr at 2006-7-26 05:46 PM:

Originally posted by queenly at 2006-7-26 05:45 PM:

新榕記唔止一間, 你講緊邊間?
the one in central, in LKF opposite the Chu Wa 茶餐廳!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-7-26 05:47 PM:
crazy!!!!! i expected that place to charge you more for that man...
but 12 bucks you can't even get a 叉燒飯 in maxim!
maxim 22蚊無野飲送, 但係你要明白一分錢一分貨既道理
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【飲食區】 » 美味可口的叉燒飯

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