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Originally posted by teramishu at 26-10-2006 11:53:
Week 11 YFF

Sheffield Utd vs Chelsea
S. Kalou

Arsenal vs Everton
Bolton vs Manchester Utd
A. Smith、Giannakopolos

Fulham vs Wigan Athletic  
Collins John

Liverpool vs Aston Villa  
Luis Garcia、Sorensen

Portsmouth vs Reading  

Watford vs Tottenham  
Berbatov、Robbie Keane、Davenport

Newcastle vs Charlton
G. Rossi、Craig Moore、Darren Bent

West Ham vs Blackburn   

Manchester City vs Middlesbrough
D. Mills、Huth、Rochemback

They are very very good choices at very cheap prices ~~
i dunno if you are being funny or what...

but most of them are not expected to feature or start this week.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-10-26 05:45 PM:
i dunno if you are being funny or what...

but most of them are not expected to feature or start this week.
This is the reason why he was in the 失分榜 last week。。。
Originally posted by harvey22 at 26-10-2006 17:45:
i dunno if you are being funny or what...

but most of them are not expected to feature or start this week.
This is only the tips for him but not what I have picked ~

He is able to bear risks as he is still the first ~
funny: Aliadiere won't start/play on Sat,
Danny Mills is in Hull City

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
brightlee 版主
Remember to add and deduct point for us。。。
2 Week。。。
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2006-10-26 05:28 PM:

Watford vs Tottenham  
Berbatov、Robbie Keane、Mido、Defoe
Now Tottenham have 4 Strikers and play against Watford in away game。。。

季 初 果 时,
Berbatov is the 必 然 正 选。。。不 过 唔 好 彩。。。 受 左 伤。。。
Defoe 同 Keane  表 现 令 人 失 望。。。
Defoe 踢 正 选 时 表 现 一 般。。。
Keane 都 一 样,SC 仲 多 过 SOT。。。
之 后 Mido 从 Roma 番 来。。。
Defoe,Mido,同 Keane 趁 Berbatov 受 伤 期 间,每 人 个 士 气 表 现 有 所 提 升。。。
前 两 日 Carling Cup
Defoe 同 Mido 一 人 入 两 粒。。。
Keane 都 成 功 开 斋 入 番 一 粒。。。
Berbatov 受 伤 好 番 之 后 个 表 现 有 所 滑 落,
但 季 初 被 Tottenham 重 金 买 番 来 而 且 表 现 一 向 稳 定。。。
总 结,依 加 Tottenham 个 正 选 前 锋 同 Liverpool 一 样 难 估。。。
想問問,本周邊隊波最有機會clean sheet?本周後衛有D難買...
Sheffield Utd vs Chelsea
Arsenal vs Everton
Bolton vs Manchester Utd  
Fulham vs Wigan Athletic  
Liverpool vs Aston Villa  
Portsmouth vs Reading  
Watford vs Tottenham  
Newcastle vs Charlton  
West Ham vs Blackburn   
Manchester City vs Middlesbrough  

依 加 先 来 问。。。
今 周 门 将 好 难 估。。。
Originally posted by brightlee at 27-10-2006 08:28:
funny: Aliadiere won't start/play on Sat,
Danny Mills is in Hull City

Aliadiere is still fighting for his place in first team...
Of coz he cannot be available on Sat.....
Unless both Walcott,VPS were in injuries....(But it might not be true.....)

And Danny Mills.....
He played only one game for Manchester City versus Portsmouth ~
So if someone's mind is not clear enough.....

Not everybody are as smart as you ga Master Bright Bright~
So...tricks are easy to happen here ~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)

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