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Is incest morally right?
Incest is sexual activity between close family members. Incest is considered taboo, and forbidden (fully or slightly) in the majority of current and historical cultures. The precise meaning of the word varies widely, because different cultures have differing notions of "sexual activity" and "close family member." Some cultures consider only those related by birth, while others include those related by adoption or marriage. Some prohibit sexual relations between people who grew up in the same household, while others prohibit sexual relations between people who grew up in related households.% O" {: c+ d# s$ U2 ]3 N1 w
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Incest can occur between same-sex as well as opposite-sex relatives. It can also occur between related children as well as between parents and their children. In addition, there have been cases of incest between adult relatives.7 e# T& M% j( l) ]! O: g+ @
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Incest between close blood-relations is a crime in most Western nations, as well as in those nations that were colonised by the West, although again the extent of the definition of "close" varies. However, since incest is an intrapersonal act that takes place in private, it is a difficult law to be enforced. There are wide differences between nations as to how serious the crime of incest is. In some countries, such as Australia, incest is a serious indictable offence, while in others it is a minor crime with much less serious consequences.
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2 n$ |; q- Z" O: vhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incest
Originally posted by BarristerSpring at 2006-10-18 01:25 PM:
0 X" Y: i  I! `9 W: DIncest is sexual activity between c...
: t; a- F" Z2 c, V

# p  `/ m+ e  ^1 ZSo... Is that morally right?
7    6      5    4     3    2    1
Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-10-18 01:28 PM:
7 ?/ E# g$ V- S# E7 F; B, a$ ^
( d" K& y7 c$ E# |& w; z' u# [4 \, T8 C$ O' W. y2 ?
So... Is that morally right?
6 I7 [# D, Q) g% h: u# a

4 y' ~# J1 Q2 Y7 v0 D1 [
2 u- V9 ~% y* q我記得甘仔好耐之前有一個帖係講呢個問題喎~~ 好似係d咩亂倫合法化~
IU   vs  UI
I won't GIVE it UP!  as a WOMAN, I must work hard for our Happiness~~~ ^^

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » Incest

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