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Blood sucking banker.......

I agree you on buying HSBC shares.....but timing is important...and it must be a long term plan & strategies....

I am not living in Hong Kong, I own 2 HSBC credit cards....and still owing them some $$$$ ...serving a HSBC housing loan ....HSBC is a very localize Foreign Bank in my country....most of the Chinese here especially business man and those grandpa and grandma are having accounts with HSBC.....they are making $$$$!

It is a bit risky going into market now and buy their shares...most of the markets (europe, asia, us) are hitting records high....I think you can accumulate their shares when the world markets (or HK market) under big correction....it is a long term investment (20-30 years)
Originally posted by 小强 at 2007-4-23 11:20 AM:

I agree you on buying...


I have been the shareholder of HSBC since 1999 and repeatedly buy its share when accumulating sufficient money.

I have joined the monthly contribution plan since 2001 following 911 incident in USA and now deposit HKD$ 15,000 every month into my investment account to purchase the HSBC share.

People ask me in 2001: you are not scared?
My answer: why I am scared. I am looking for the long term & the capital growth.

In 2003, HK had been suffered from the SARS. I was using about HKD $110,000 to buy about 1118 shares of HSBC at the low price in UK and transferred these shares to my own name, mailing to HK for my memory. The price I bought is 650 pounds (remarks: over 929 pounds in UK as at 23.4.2007).

Most importantly, I am used to choosing the share instead of money given when HSBC announced its dividend to the shareholders from the beginning to the end. Let me take an example for you the case of my UK's registered HSBC share (the attached photo is referred).

You can know the Chinese words: 積沙成塔、水滴石穿

My UK’s registered HSBC in 2003 is 1118. Now it turns to 1303 because of the new dividends chosen. It is expected that another 27 shares would be added in May 2007 when I receive the final dividends of 2006.

[ Last edited by 新經濟學巨人 on 2007-4-23 at 02:14 PM ]


HSBC-UK.jpg (169.2 KB)
1280 x 746 PIXEL下載

排名就是力量,google, yahoo講左俾你知
Originally posted by 新經濟學巨人 at 2007-4-23 11:36 AM:

The method you used is a good start....at least you don't need to care about the ups & downs of the market and just buy the shares every month .... 股神畢菲特 did the similar way of accumulating Coca-Cola with some measures of purchase timing which enhance his return.

On average and long run, you will definately gain more than the Fixed Deposit rate. Probably you can manage the purchase timing later to maximize the return.

This method is good and provided: You pick the RIGHT stock!!!

Good Luck to every one who own HSBC!! Hope it can break HKD$180.00 this year .

** if it goes down below HKD$130 , it is the best time to accumulate
Originally posted by 小强 at 2007-4-23 07:05 PM:

The method you used is a good s...

I have a suggestion for those who want to keep the GOOD share for a long time.

大摩碧斯:股市,係人類貪婪 vs.  恐懼

There is no exceptional because human is human.
How to stand firm fear in the bear market sentiment is the main point.

You may open an account (individual) in the Hong Kong Exchange just like me. The purpose is not to apply for IPO. You should draw the GOOD share, i.e. HSBC and put it into the Hong Kong Exchange Account. Even the bear is coming and you are under being attacked,  I am sorry your shares are LOCKED. hehehehe.....

[ Last edited by 新經濟學巨人 on 2007-4-23 at 09:52 PM ]

排名就是力量,google, yahoo講左俾你知
Originally posted by wukingtung at 2007-4-23 11:32 PM:
20-30 years
Originally posted by 小强 at 2007-4-23 23:40:

20-30 years

Originally posted by feuosma at 2007-4-23 11:42 PM:



里 昂 檢 討 盈 利 預 測 (26.4.2007)
現 時  控 的 股 息 率 為 四 點 八 厘 , 無 論 與 同 業 或 本 身 過 去 水 平 比 較 , 並 非 特 別 高 。

根 據 資 料 顯 示 , 九 ○ 至 九 一 年 期 間 ,  控 的 股 息 率 曾 高 達 八 點 二 厘 。

此 外 , 里 昂 又 認 為 , 鑑 於匯 控 不 認 為 集 團 資 本 過 剩 , 因 此 預 期 不 會 大 幅 提 高 派 息 比 率 , 而匯 控 保 留 一 百 億 至 二 百 億 美 元 作 收 購 , 政 策 也 不 似 會 改 變 , 而 該 行 正 檢 討匯控 的 盈 利 預 測 。

[ Last edited by 新經濟學巨人 on 2007-4-26 at 01:24 PM ]

排名就是力量,google, yahoo講左俾你知
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