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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 中大學生報班友,文又唔得,不文又唔得
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) \# H- w, V" S0 y6 l
( g; T' ^6 G7 P$ B問題係你地寫果d野根本唔係果個水平,根本唔係出自呢個動機.- I0 y( d- B4 I3 `& r  y7 k

# P2 `) C1 l; F! q咁不如開埋馬經版, 引起大家對推廣馬術運動既討論啦.( }7 d. i- ?" P1 e: |
開埋波經版, 引起大家對足球運動既討論啦!
- l* }" U  ~6 `9 N; j* B$ a登埋明星走光相, 引起大家對電影藝術既討論啦!3 r* s$ Y, H7 O! T: w" R% w& _: X

5 _0 E( `. b# h而家大學生對性既討論,駛乜你引起呀,佢地滿腦子都係啦.) c9 F1 r! p( r6 j' n1 S

5 w, S  t* C2 F4 @; u& i0 P1 M1 F你班偏萎,讀多d書先,例如睇多d黃霑既作品,人地文又得,不文又得,文學同粗口兩樣都研究,有咁既水平先再出來嘈啦.
Originally posted by shehboy at 2007-5-18 01:35 AM:
+ H5 `5 J( V) M0 @8 c9 R' E中大學生報話咁係為左引起人對性既討...
+ x. N6 s% h- ^* @( D( D( Z& ~8 a' f
6 s7 R- N5 |0 d+ oHmm base on your analysis, you must be a phd of either education study or social study...
  ?, h% L0 r7 S) s, B# p& T# s
9 v- j( G  E! s0 ?8 xLook, you mentioned that no one should say a thing unless he/she is really good at it,
# A/ R3 w  @9 e) m# }and by the fact that you have made some comment on CU news, you must be some expert on that field.; i7 V2 J9 \5 x

/ O1 q& D" Y6 t0 VSuggestion: before you make a statement, make sure it is not contradictory
Originally posted by PG-13 at 2007-5-18 02:07 AM:
. r& `, g7 k" S3 g0 t6 j0 y) x4 E- D  {1 T
' ~9 y! M6 T! ]6 E3 h
Hmm base on your analysis, you ...
5 W8 `8 \! ]( t  B, U. S( p
# X0 P6 j- |: ]' I+ q0 v/ \4 Y
5 ?+ I  _! k& Z4 Rbut問題係我無話我講既野係為左引起社會對乜乜乜既討論,我既目的只係吹下水,發下牙痕,聽下好似你咁既教訓而已." z! e. i* P6 Q. N( f

. `7 W1 V& {& y我無講過話要有做過研究至有發表權, 而係如果講到有引起大學校園甚至社會討論呢啲咁崇高既使命, 就要抛一啲有水平既文章出黎, 才能達到目的.
I just think that those university students have studied for so many years., S0 N+ }- S) R; A# R% |
Their parents and the society have put so much money for their education, but what have they learned?
# M8 z3 I) [3 H7 R% o* B' n* @
/ o4 A" o% T4 h/ OThey even thought what they did was right......
I have to clarify that I am not associate with CU, I dont even know a single CU student or staff.
  A% N& R( U9 X" g, mNo doubt that the CU student decision is not a smart one. If they are smart enough they wont create so much of a trouble. But I dont think you shall blame them.* p1 E' Z6 z: y, \' [: G, L4 P8 ]

6 S4 _3 n# }" L4 wMy focus is not on those CU students, I am more concern about the 影 視 及 娛 樂 事 務 管 理 處
  N# P1 d' f. {! g1 p, i7 bThey are the one shall be blamed.' Q5 Q, b3 c+ W0 B" {& Z  \" |
Don't you think 影視處's decision is affected by the public a lot?
$ ?6 P# \" E% o, B  ~  w 影視處 is supposed to be a qusi-tribunal that has the power to judge thing. Different from other governmental department, when it involved of making judgments they shall follow a very strict rules... not from outside pressures.
* G6 s/ ]2 r( b4 W, }$ c1 Q4 H* j" e( W$ l
SO, when you bitch on the CU students, you don't and should not blame them BECAUSE they are university students. You shall consider as a normal person, like you and you other friends.2 j6 x; K0 B7 y7 b
That is the legal point of view and that is the view that 影視處 are supposed to have.) ?; `; z% ?1 d& E1 u

8 b' {$ a) m3 ?7 oWhen you look at CU's newspaper and compare to other publishers such as easyfinders or east weekly you will find that CU's newspaper is, at worse, on the same plain as those magazines.; o$ R) A6 ?( |) y
5 u: H) z4 X& c- a8 \; ]$ i+ ~9 y
Last, if you really think CU students should subject to a higher moral responsibility. Then tell me, can they enjoy special right from us? or form the government?# |0 G; J8 X( E9 G* w" o: u8 y
) O4 s. u" a4 Q& J/ d; ~
If you still think they shall have a higher moral standard, then I can understand why that QC student have an argument that he shall not get charged of indecent assault.
Originally posted by PG-13 at 2007-5-18 02:07 AM:8 b" J5 f2 O5 }# p& k, x+ D" e9 A
( A  r! z5 t* ?2 _( {

; L' X* O; f0 G: AHmm base on your analysis, you ...
, u1 a2 Q: x$ [$ L

, v, p' v' o0 W# e' f) w; h# d; y6 x' Y4 Y9 u3 [$ H5 \7 ]2 t- a4 r) t& ?
( \  }2 C' w' f! f. }- z( i' K
& y0 P5 y: D' F' {( g' X: bWell, i think that's where the conflict come from.
: Y, K# z$ P, p* s# x0 I
( v6 P/ n6 q" e( |5 t; w, K  s5 _% rI believe, because of the misunderstanding on sex topic, lead to people's complain...
Originally posted by PG-13 at 2007-5-18 07:10 AM:0 L/ t7 X9 B7 k  }, r
I have to clarify that I am not ass...
& b0 a0 [$ W/ M/ K4 I) z& x2 o  r# T2 l
, `9 a6 ^1 v- y同意.
, _3 j1 k, a' _" U7 q. \但呢度講緊既唔係外面好多人講果d,唔係講緊大學生有無"道德責任",唔好轉移話題.
3 a& K: \) Y7 ]( h9 P% Y+ J* E
) C5 Y  s1 E  i) T' N而係你搞份馬經出黎,大大聲話係為左推廣馬術運動...( r2 j1 `8 z! \$ n) t+ X) ?
如果你搞份馬經出黎,話比人知只係為左講下貼士,吸引賭仔,咁完全無問題,  @. U- K( |+ L$ N, d
其實班大學生係得閒冇野做,忽然諗起不如搵D野搞下,佢地係度諗「有D咩野可以係大學校內出位呢」所以佢地就發表哩D言論,點知出位過籠回響過大,到最後玩大左!. M# a+ S& D. i
Originally posted by shehboy at 2007-5-18 07:35 PM:
9 z( w" Z# m/ s5 [& j( l% u
% m8 r& B3 i+ \2 d) v" [) G8 }1 c
5 K3 V9 }/ L8 e$ B0 J3 T6 w( m同意.
3 [  Q# \- K7 ^- M* {" c% a但呢度講緊既唔係外面好多...
5 }3 R- ^6 f' @; w2 J6 l! M
3 {+ T: a" F' S* f& l
I do respect CU students' good heart on this, but with their limited ability, the have created a lot of troubles.
: L" t) Y/ O* C8 F; ?. }Your analysis is partly right, but i dont agree they did it for "為左搞噱頭" and you other subjective view against those students
4 m: ^# c, Y5 G3 S2 K1 S) ^I dont know if you have even been into publishing business, but I can tell you, it is not simply copy and paste from you Microsoft Word, every article they have published they have put a lot of effort into it. If they simply 為左搞噱頭 there are many things for them to do besides publishing newspaper articles.
# v' J8 L9 X6 l" P+ TAs a commentator like us, we always simply looks at the result. If we want to become a good commentator, we need to look further down as we can reach the core of the matter.
5 |5 D& m+ k# B, s# c  x5 J! \9 r& `  I6 Q& S6 u  q
1) In my opinion, contrary to the gov. decision, i do not think think CU has breach any law% J% t0 g, V+ u. M+ Y4 F6 S
2) In my opinion, I do think they are in good faith when they conduct the newspaper
& n! Z5 Y( T( m% A( F3) Also, in my opinion, CU students did not put enough consideration to look into the possible consequences as their work has published; E2 v- e( c+ i/ B0 [1 m( e
: u. X7 X+ y. i
Thanks for reading this long ass boring reply
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 中大學生報班友,文又唔得,不文又唔得

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