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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [真‧頑童俱樂部]之延續篇2007-2008 ~ 快啲入嚟繼續呱呱嘈啦 ~
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Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2008-7-5 05:09 PM:

死佬 , 又笑人
可能今日出文呀 , 住加分呀~~
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2008-7-5 05:09 PM:

Originally posted by trista_cheong at 5-7-2008 14:40:
found out what's happening and what someone has said ....  cant stop crying even during at work.

SHAME on me .
Calm down lady, the incident has already happened. Nothing can be erased now. Rather than feeling ashame or crying alone, YOU SHOULD STRENGTHEN UP INSTEAD !

Hey, never be sorrowful for what you've done.
If you're regretting sincerely, I believe he's already fogiven you....



Originally posted by 常在床 at 5-7-2008 17:19:



Originally posted by e_e at 5-7-2008 16:38:

我岩岩接左電話 ...
佢 : 先生我地...
Originally posted by Edgar_Davids at 2008-7-5 05:24 PM:

Calm down lady, the incident...
thank you ED仔仔

I really feel very regretful and full of  .
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2008-7-5 02:40 PM:
found out what's happening and what someone has said ....  cant stop crying even during at work.

SHAME on me .
Although I had got no idea what's the conversation between you & him before, I don't think that's a problem.
it should be shame on him, cos he'd show to everybody what's his thinking.
actually, I just feel he's a poor guy although he think he's wise enough.
(it should be great thanks to Tri, cos Tri had quote his reply even he had edit that at once.)
at lease one more time, I can luckily to prove that my foresee is not wrong~

Even you often forget my opinion, you must understand that there're many different kind of people in this world, even we shouldn't overact for offence, but we must keep a bottom line for protect.
人無害虎心, 虎有傷人意, you can't always use you view to think everyone had got the same mind as you.

You can meet many people in your life, but only a no. of people can be your friends, time can tell.
or maybe you should be please that you'd learn one more lesson free of charge~


Originally posted by e_e at 2008-7-5 17:14:

死佬 , 又笑人
可能今日出文呀 , 住加分呀~~
你寫完先同我講啦, 呱呱叫~~~~
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2008-7-5 05:36 PM:

Although I had got no idea what...
做咩, 變左英文台
Originally posted by 常在床 at 2008-7-5 17:19:

我第一時間話唔得閒啦, 仲同佢傻咩???
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [真‧頑童俱樂部]之延續篇2007-2008 ~ 快啲入嚟繼續呱呱嘈啦 ~

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