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發表於 2007-11-22 09:55 AM
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英國佬真係快手, 好似輸緊0比2已經寫緊稿咁, 完場不到一個鐘,
bbc一眾名宿已經有評論, 節錄d headline同大家分享...
England got exactly what they deserved, which was absolutely nothing.
They were out-thought, out-played and out-fought and this really is a real low point in English football history because they were abysmal, truly abysmal.
You stand and fall by your decisions and Steve McClaren got it wrong. The keeper, the formation, it was all just plain wrong.
By Alan Hansen 80年代利記後防猛將赫臣
此場"錯龍門", "錯排陣", 一切都做錯...
You can sometimes get away with one or two not playing to their maximum but I can't believe how many England players were so very poor tonight.
By Alan Shearer 90年代英格蘭前鋒巨星
好多人話英軍球員係"名大於實", 佢地技術根本二流, 只不過球迷吹捧..
但我同舒利亞睇法差唔多, 你好難相信一支球隊, 有如此多次發揮唔到水準..
00年euro贏葡萄牙兩球後倒輸, 02年世杯贏巴西一球後倒輸,
04年euro又係, 贏法國後倒輸, 贏葡萄牙倒輸, 07年又有俄羅斯一場經典...
無實力, 只係球迷幻想佢地贏, 似乎不足以解釋以上球賽...
英軍唔止發揮唔到,而且無士氣, 完全係英國現代足球上少見....
I don't know what to say.
I feel sorry for Carson - Croatia were always going to shoot from anywhere and I at least thought he'd do the basics and get the body behind the ball. But he didn't and he's paid the price.
By Ian Wright 阿仙奴一代名將
相信好多fans都同佢一樣, 無野好講...
絕對係揹隻黑獲, 麥卡倫最叻靠害, 羅賓臣已經比佢害一次, 而家又到卡臣
I have to say, having gone 2-0 down, I was very worried because we've got almost a reserve back four and goalkeeper.
Looking at them and their body language, even (Sol) Campbell who is experienced, they looked nervous - it looked like it got to them.
By Graham Taylor 英倫史上最糟糕領隊
陳腔濫調既佢無咩特別野提出黎, 只係覺得佢近幾場風騷非常,
皆因佢知道佢將"甩難", 麥卡倫將會接替佢個位...
佢提出左後防問題, 但有趣在麥生係俄羅斯一役仲受唔到教訓,
列史葛, 甘保同係傳統英式"轉身慢"中堅, 只場唔用米卡李察士,
唯一一個有活力既球員拍甘保係失策, 反正右路仲有布朗同菲立仔..
左閘就更神奇, 出一個由雪櫃放出黎既布列治, 巴利,菲立仔,或列史葛, 疏利都可用,
一條後防線就係咁, 比佢排個"輸波"組合出黎...
不過講左咁多, 打左咁多, 其實都係果句...
我一見fa請佢就知係錯, 對克羅地亞一排532, 我就知佢一定出唔到線... |