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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » Bee Gees首Too Much Heavan其實係講乜
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Bee Gees首Too Much Heavan其實係講乜

原帖由 martin123168 於 2008-8-1 04:55 PM 發表 http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
. W0 @) p' e2 z: T1 l實在太好聽,我想知佢內容係想表達乜
" B6 X( H3 N% |+ v" n2 n/ L/ D3 I8 m

3 H; C7 p5 i+ [$ ~4 F! M. w"實在太好聽".......
9 Q# x  _  s# P* p$ q
6 ?1 F$ Q, c7 Hbut you don't know what they are talking about....
( w3 `- [6 Z/ u1 `' |) E$ {9 ?+ U2 v9 ^% d3 b
I guess at least you can find the lyrics right by yourself right.....
5 g& E; L# j1 N' W8 ]- ]  y% b+ I, [* s
) O# E7 c/ r3 mBee Gees - Too Much Heaven 4 Z$ ]) u0 y) g
Nobody gets too much heaven no more
2 T  T* R" w, D, ~/ w* P9 s- S! SIt's much harder to come by
; {8 k7 @5 s2 N. }$ I0 p* tI'm waiting in line
2 s; N) W: U# Y3 c7 k( kNobody gets too much love anymore
, S1 J3 W) W) H2 m2 AIt's as high as a mountain
2 ]# r" f' w) m( O( Q7 sAnd harder to climb
. ?  h# B$ V2 M" ]! NOh you and me girl
) S, f* @& d, s1 H% @Got a lot of love in store
8 @' a* X* D* P2 U7 KAnd it flows through you
1 |/ U  g9 y  ^+ p2 [And it flows through me
3 X  D1 L: [2 I: G: R: s; YAnd I love you so much more$ f' w0 l8 b7 d# ^
Then my life..I can see beyond forever1 y: E9 n  Y  l
Ev'rything we are will never die2 ]( R4 u" _2 I
Loving's such a beautiful thing
( [! d% J( N: U  o9 |; o9 c$ }% GOh you make my world.. a summer day; ^7 v  {0 u0 ^8 X& v3 W$ f+ t
Are you just a dream to fade away
" B- X6 N' f5 ?" eNobody gets too much heaven no more
+ u. n) L4 D4 p; @0 v) a$ f8 fIt's much harder to come by$ f9 c' e3 N5 k  N2 @
I'm waiting in line$ _$ G* [$ K  F4 i& q
Nobody gets too much love anymore
( o9 W4 P  e) X) G0 tIt's as high as a mountain/ J, w4 r2 @8 x* W" ^) z( J
And harder to climb" r4 y3 t3 d4 b$ ?9 t% b+ y% v
You and me girl got a highway to the sky
+ f# e! d" J4 [3 G: _We can turn away from the night and day. f0 U& Q# @% w" P$ }9 p2 A
And the tears you had to cry3 A8 D' X0 h4 f" q% ]
You're my life..
7 r  Q/ m+ J. e4 N5 N& RI can see a new tomorrow
! N6 v8 {6 p6 V1 v3 wEv'rything we are will never die
( X6 w" _$ C5 X& i9 ?/ }$ P/ v$ pLoving's such a beautiful thing3 U9 p1 s7 r. v9 P, c7 {
When you are to me, the light above
* K! u3 P6 _8 M2 F( Y, zMade for all to see our presious love: f& L* J8 v& t
Nobody gets too much heaven no more
+ v. [& U+ L. s; J; o$ {It's much harder to come by  V: y# I, }' U4 I
I'm waiting in line' [- o) ]! O4 U( q2 h
Nobody gets too much love anymore
( K' D2 O9 L+ g8 k$ o) zIt's as high as a mountain
* l4 U* v5 Z6 Q* R9 l2 e& MAnd harder to climb; b6 f' F1 Z' X: B9 C
Love is such a beautiful thing. E% g, n# c  ^
You make my world a summer day1 J5 \1 n- W1 B7 Z% P. x
Are you just a dream to fade away
# V  U1 F) c( _9 ]  J. ?. T( pNobody gets too much heaven no more& e1 y& [4 Y' ]" K8 B. V% p8 T
It's much harder to come by
% P, T0 W7 `7 Q' CI'm waiting in line0 o* D3 Q0 C7 `" I$ Y3 ~& ]
Nobody gets too much love anymore0 i, v0 E2 \) [6 Y  P/ P9 @
It's as high as a mountain
9 g; R+ R& a& d9 QAnd harder to climb
# c& Y5 b& a( H5 T; ^) BNobody gets too much love anymore
' r2 l0 D5 t; \It's as wide as a river and harder to cross
+ @  y! ~% E' R& Z% P4 BNobody gets too much heaven no more
4 l$ }( A; E: q9 H4 {# Y1 L; D- PIt's much harder to come by
: W6 E5 }/ j( \I'm waiting in line
1 c+ S! h5 {" ?: j$ k5 Z/ LNobody gets too much love anymore
. b2 K; ]7 e3 C! H  y3 \8 M# JIt's as high as a mountain9 }0 U' W3 C. _0 v
And harder to climb (repeat and fade)# u, g* a) `# y$ y3 k/ T" y$ t
, c" b5 d0 Y' U4 r, \( Y7 \/ j- DIt only took me 1 google search to find it....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » Bee Gees首Too Much Heavan其實係講乜

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