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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 希望各位唔好再係銀行臨關門前開戶口 / 攪其他麻煩野
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: ~% @* |1 i+ W7 Z只可以送你一句劉華既名言:今時今日咁既服務態度係唔夠ga
0 J: g! i. S9 K: ^, x2 W, D& @4 ^專業d啦
just try your best( I- Y3 T  M% j% G! L% A9 ?, B, C
it cannot be controlled
thanks to u these ppl, the quality of service is that bad nowadays
$ {- o% B7 N9 l3 i5 h. o4 c' [e.g. if ya service hour is 9-5, it's still reasonable for the customers entering even at 5:00pm. Otherwise, change ya service hour to be 4:30 if you dont like ppl coming in between 4:30-5:00
* L1 Z( B% o$ T; Au think u r working in a restaurant?
2 g3 C& H+ l# L  [# }- W! I) ]0 b7 e; [0 fmake a last call that you cant make any request after the last call until the operation hours end& j; r0 n5 e4 o: O7 y5 G
if you don't like to serve people, u shouldn't enter into a service industry at the first place, its not called banking industry, rather, it is called a banking service industry man3 T4 \. H2 x7 f% t& |5 U) W8 b
u know how many people haven't complaint a thing when they r in situations worse than u?. a; ~$ v' N; |6 B' }" P3 f- }
this is called professionalism man
+ j- `8 H8 ?: J( Z7 i: z0 ^also, do u know how many of us cant even able to make it coming to the bank at the last minute2 E/ o$ o) _# l1 Y
u guys off earlier than many of the ppl, everyone is having long OT hours like shit
3 ~  M9 Z0 B, Kthen who should we complaint to? the economy? the government? the society? the god?
我曾經在幾年前的一個星期五的下午4:59.衝入某區浙江第一銀行8 n4 h* D8 O0 l( Q1 e0 R) h
當時銀行的電閘正慢慢落下 , 至約4呎半高," ]% a5 F0 z  ]3 C2 R7 M5 \9 v
本人一落taxi, 以破奧運紀錄的時速, 烏低身衝入 , ' G% u# Z7 ]0 E2 n1 y& t
正在關門的肥婆女高層說:" h: M0 p2 a2 h0 w
"撞死你呀! 下次早d!" 5 w8 j: h# i* s
9 l- v# H6 U, ~
$ `/ I9 N9 O/ @7 T7 G1 M' @"痴線架你!如果趕到, 邊個唔想早!"
慢 慢 來 , 一 步 步 來 ,所 有 人 都 是 一 樣 的 ,
沒 一 個 人 是 特 別 的 , 只 要 努 力 和 勤 力 ,
一 定 會 成 功 。
- h2 T/ Z$ n9 W以一個普通客戶身份去理解呢個case,可能有另一種新o既睇法 8 {: b- E" T- p5 l5 r, ~0 T' m, M

3 p; _/ t- R0 p- r能夠早收工,唔駛OT,個個都想呀


今時今日, 你講得出呢句說話7 _2 I/ w& o+ ~3 ]! U/ F
都真係幾唔敬業樂業8 h. c+ U2 d& P- H: W6 ~
銀行番5day,長短周/ v& J$ d! j' G( f
ot就出左名, 只在乎多定少! \& R5 {4 o, k( A2 V/ d* L
但點計都仲係一份好regular既工作8 r7 L* F) w* B2 u/ x- x
; o( \( b! a8 H& c) Z5 R% q5 a$ u( l; @, a
身為服務性行業既你都唔明白服務性行業最基本既正確心態同思想6 k% |  Z7 O! c" w  k* T
我真係覺得in你o個個如果知你係咁既態度, 一開始就唔會請你
6 J. q  C. D' l2 Q  ^! t. A
  y6 V7 s; H4 z1 C你依家就講到好似d人係特登o係你關門前黎搞d麻煩野令你地遲左收咁0 g+ X: |6 l* n3 A, {. g8 l
ok我可以話你知, 佢麻煩你時佢都係用番咁多時間囉, 唔會係無野搵野搞* h$ U" K1 T# M+ O
何況你自己都可以諗下, 佢咁"玩"完你, 佢有咩so先; k' w6 J/ ?3 h& x7 e
4 c6 R" c/ p" V5 G& \/ J


我有個朋友都係做銀行( I9 W% Z  W6 m' X; ^* L
7 t  v5 b: m. s" r3 |3 p5 P6 O+ y我成班朋友同一想法..做地盤個d人咪仲慘
# ~; p2 K: J$ V) O. q: H/ I9 D$ g銀行最少有冷氣先啦
2 E' m, U4 O4 u4 f唔通妳揸地鐵叫人唔好坐..揸巴士叫人唔好上..做食肆叫人唔好食野咩
, k. W6 }% z6 b% K做好自己本份啦.ot最多5點左右仲想點
Totally agree honqshiu say, I work at construction site, working hour 8:00 - 18:00, no OT pay, 6 days works, even though SUNNY day and RAINY day, only 12 days labour holiday and sunday or typhoon day can rest, sometime also working at sunday. You work at bank is very lucky. You know
0 [% e0 _0 H. V8 O2 ?% l% g唔駛等全體搞掂,自己個櫃埋好數就走得架喇
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 希望各位唔好再係銀行臨關門前開戶口 / 攪其他麻煩野

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