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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA明星賽, 講完Starting講埋後備plus戰略 (before Feb 8, pls)
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I read the rules,
the coaches CAN'T choose anyone on their team to be reseve in All-stars
so they could choose whatever they like...

No one knows what they are thinking..
for example: in 00, Blazers was leading in NBA (as in all-star break), they got 1 all-star player.. (Wallace)

In History, the time that ONLY 3 players were choosing in all-star reseves, we should go back in 1994.. when  Charles Oakley, Patrick Ewing and John Starks were choosen in East (em.. I didn't agree they would choose Charles Oakley in East at that yr.. but.....)
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-2-8 08:50 AM:
I read the rules,
the coaches CAN'T choose anyone on their team to be reseve in All-stars
so they could choose whatever they like...

No one knows what they are thinking..
for example: in 00, ...

back to topic
i dont' think it's like the respect to the team record
but the team itself
sounds like no diff.
but there is
allstar game is a once a yr event that all ppl wanna is hype
so that's why some of the "solid" player might not get on
(the ones that we've mentioned:  brand, jamison...etc)
i'm glad to see duncan there, for usually ppl dont' respect players like him this much

seeing the nba let wasington have 2 allstars....
i'll 爆粗 4 sure
coz allstar game is also abt cities as well
for cities that doesn't have an allstar is very 冇mood as well...
sometimes down to countries as well (well...only btw us and canada tho)(we have a Nash)
(hey, we all got a Yao Ming(hehe)

one may say
"hey, it's not fair, it should be based on individual performances"
haha...the truth is....haha...too bad...can't let your teamate out shine u 2 much
work is done here
will make a new topic on allstars or just uses brother brightlee's

peace man

see u guys at the allstars
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA明星賽, 講完Starting講埋後備plus戰略 (before Feb 8, pls)

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