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Giggs may retire this year

Let's hope MU will win more trophies this season if he really decides to call it a day in May.

Manchester United stalwart Ryan Giggs admits his glittering career could come to an end in May.

The Red Devils midfielder is set to see his current contract at Old Trafford reach its conclusion at the climax of the 2008/09 campaign.

With no new terms on the table the Welshman admits that, after 19 years of loyal service to the reigning Premier League champions, he may be forced to hang up his boots.

"I will keep playing as long as I enjoy it, I am fit and the manager wants me," Giggs told The Sun.

"If one of those three things stops, I will consider retiring.

"It could be at the end of this season. Or it could be the next one. I am at the end of my contract in May, so we will see. At the minute, there hasn't been any contact with United.

"I am as fit as I have ever been. The only difference is recovering from games.

"Two days after a game, I am still tired. Before, I could play Saturday-Wednesday, Saturday-Wednesday no problem.

"Today, I would be a lot less efficient at doing things. Nowadays, I only play once a week, it's very good that way."


朴志星同加利仔都有約, giggs未有, 可能係發老細牢騷既技倆,

已經成35, 退休好正常, 問題係退就會宣佈退, 講考慮擺明係睇曼聯點....

老細比約咪繼續玩lor, 唔比就收山....
hes still good man, he can play longer
rather, Beckham should retire, he doesn't even have commercial value now, so he has no value at all
I think he is better than G.Neville in terms of overall performance!
Giggs' passing is still very good and deserves to have his contract extended, while every time G.Neville plays, his lack of speed and inability to catch up with the match rhythm scares people in the right back position...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Giggs may retire this year

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