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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 四葉草三姊妹誰比較靚/正? 請多多支持 [樂+5積分](+ 5 again by godofcar)
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wa see u find me like so urgent i think got wat problem scare me ah!!!OK la bro i don care about the credit la......is important is here got many news,photo.......so i like here...so don worry la......i try me best to do about my country ya!!!!
oklah i try my best la....
no need to set a full pack upload/post in one time
! g; [+ Y/ @5 J" J6 {just day by day would be better  x+ h! ~: k, \4 P2 Q* k1 i
you can briefly state your background to all members in here and then post something (not HK stuff) in your topic for beginning
/ e8 M2 J& h& B2 Q7 G( EI can image your topic would like a Malaysia's journal
i put already............
thanks& B* P- J6 q- [- ^+ P: P* ]
that's great
/ Q& {, i/ N5 q9 @( Dbut you can leave more your personal experience in this topic rather to copy a lot travel info
7 ]% F- K4 k! d' F, |I think ppl prefer to know what's news in Malaysia and ppl in there have any comment on it8 N* f5 f" `  d; ~
also you can share some funny/interesting stories with us if you like to
; h( T) w5 [" _( A. ]and then we can chat together on some Mal's cases
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 四葉草三姊妹誰比較靚/正? 請多多支持 [樂+5積分](+ 5 again by godofcar)

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