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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 香港人最不滿政府甚麼﹖無盡心處理甚麼﹖
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中產的問題最慘是半天吊……窮又未窮到有資格領取政府一切福利津貼,有錢又未有錢到可以解決一切問題!本來餓你唔親,飽你唔死都不太差既!但無資格申請住公屋,而供樓又供到命都無,生活的大部份開資都是供樓、醫療 ...
" R6 C& g/ ]9 L$ y. ~* t) j( Igoodnicelady 發表於 2010-2-28 01:56 AM
1 m7 @* ~/ @7 j7 O+ R, A香港社會的中產階級近年呈現貧窮化現象日趨明顯, 生活質素下降,累積了對政府施政不滿的怨氣,9 x* r  X8 f# y. B
剛發表的政改方案又係連派一粒糖都冇中產的份兒,呵呵! 今次肯定有某類議員會企出黎喊爭取~~~~~~~
本帖最後由 goodnicelady 於 2010-3-1 11:42 AM 編輯 , V* N6 b, P9 P2 w( J; J2 O) T; t" N

" t, Z1 E- a$ R) r在這裏吹水版的網調到現在是:失業、住屋及選舉最為關注!肯投票反映關注民心,修為喻為修身、關注失業及住屋喻為齊家、關注選舉喻為治國、憧憬或展望未來喻為平天下……即修身、齊家、治國、平天下……祝願國泰民安……
其實有時認為政府就業問題呢方面如果做得好d既話,,( j% Q; \0 ]# H- V2 m
香港自然經濟各方面都好d" g6 q3 D. e* @) H6 O
失業率無咁高既話,自然香港人既消費意慾會上升$ j* U. w- \! w. s$ z+ i$ v0 E
但係失業呢個問題又要關注到 薪金方面,6 _" F6 k: D- a3 _* Y+ ^; X
' J) y2 m7 \- d6 G. J缺 ...$ H% W( i, V0 N+ N0 G8 S
黑火雞 發表於 2010-2-28 03:05 AM
/ x0 v" d& X. {6 ^

" z, J) x4 M& t4 d$ f, g0 |/ n6 p) n5 U) ?- C" X
Yesterday, I watched the HK news online....3 L* D5 A. K7 Y* D9 u% S) a
It says around 400 thousands people in HK earn less than 30 HKdollars per hour.
( N( {* L( T* R+ j  d(I can't remember the exact numbers.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.)
' A  q2 L5 H. d! M  d4 C0 Q; V9 H! Q0 m) ^  O7 v: G8 D" [
I believe the actual labour problem would be much worse than this since there is a number of people who are working part time with even lower wages, and a number of people who are unemployed at all.
1 I) a2 Q- e8 w7 D8 ]" c; {& @9 H$ F4 ?9 @" a
I am living in Toronto.....
4 a: j: W2 e( d/ MWhen I heard the news, the first thing I had in mind was "30 HK dollars is like $4 Canadian dollars......"* w! B, N- z4 X' W5 M9 z2 x$ {
1 m& J/ c' y+ Z7 q
Our minimum wage for a full time employee for our province is $9.5 Canadian dollars per hour(probably around 71 HK dollars).  So as long as you are full time employed, the employer will needs to pay you $9.5 per hour (even you are just working in McDonalds)." i) \, W5 ~0 n4 L2 Z3 ?
# X0 C; ]3 e1 G! _5 _
6 T2 e$ G' z0 z  u0 `0 g/ N6 G
My conclusion is, if HK government doesn't set up a rule for the minimum wage, the basic salary would only get lower and lower because the employers would only push it as low as it can be." N/ H. @" M9 @7 `4 [4 w
4 O4 x0 y& }" ^* b
__________________________________________________________________) W' `# W- {4 m5 x9 m& ~
5 K- t4 r4 ?5 X$ N
Little bit of my own experience, when I first graduated a few years ago (before the economic crisis), my parents and relatives always ask me to go back to HK to find a job.  
# r  A; A8 V" dThey always say like HK has more chances than in North America.9 a9 o) h, @7 U$ h- [
# O, Z. E5 e" S2 m- t, J. c
I personally don't like Canada that much.....but the condition in HK is just 10 times worse than Canada.....
5 T7 R! Q% o$ t& x; N' o! Z: m, f
" P5 [8 x! ~4 j8 S. Y$ g
. k( t; X8 x2 G1 O9 ~* k+ ^; rHonestly even right now, it would be easier for a person to find a job and get better pay in Canada or even US than in HK.
我對"97解放特區政府"並無不滿, 因為我從來沒有對它有過期望;
7 }: Z# i- ?4 n某些人沉醉於吹水口號, 例如: 香港人絕對有能力治理好香港......等等;
. E" U, U+ \4 K0 k既然他們喜歡思想自慰, 那麼就繼續好了。
6.  住屋問題% E, z# J0 F2 R0 R

6 d, ], h$ [3 a. n8 ?香港樓貴到就黎 需要下一代一齊供先供得完
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 香港人最不滿政府甚麼﹖無盡心處理甚麼﹖

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