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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【寵物區】 » Can anyone tell me, where can I get a lovely puppy?
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Can anyone tell me, where can I get a lovely puppy?

Hi there =D  Recently I want to have a puppy and my hubby allow me to get one, but I had got no idea what kinda puppy is better.  As hubby said, it's better to adopt one from SPCA and we had been there b4, but the puppy right there is not that lovely, frankly we don't mind to buy a cute one from the pet shop but I'm afraid those shop are cheater, so we still haven't make any decision yet.  Could anyone tell me where can I get a lovely puppy? We don't mind to pay with but just want it healthy enough, hope you can give me a hand, thanks =)
How about kittens? I have a British shorthair.....
Give you a web-site... www.pet28.com

The different between dog and cat:

Dog - need to take him out everyday,
Cat - need to close the windows everyday (of course, you can put a net cover on your windows

Dog - have a strong smell, all your shirts, pants, jeans, suit.... must have their smell
Cat - has no smell... but it will make your sofa, your dress, shirts have a lot of holes

Dog - will use his tongue to lick you, someone feel that it is very dirty
Cat - will bit your finger or toes... because it thinks that ... they are toys!!
慢 慢 來 , 一 步 步 來 ,所 有 人 都 是 一 樣 的 ,
沒 一 個 人 是 特 別 的 , 只 要 努 力 和 勤 力 ,
一 定 會 成 功 。
If you confirmed to have a dog, u like to have a big dog or a small dog?
long hair or short hair?
慢 慢 來 , 一 步 步 來 ,所 有 人 都 是 一 樣 的 ,
沒 一 個 人 是 特 別 的 , 只 要 努 力 和 勤 力 ,
一 定 會 成 功 。
How about kittens? I have a British shorthair.....
Give you a web-site... www.pet28.com

The different between dog and cat:

Dog - need to take him out everyday,
Cat - need to close the windows everyd ...
hamsubboy 發表於 2010-3-10 01:50
爸打, 多謝你嘅回覆先, 我同ruby 仲睇緊.
養就一定養狗仔咖喇, 不過養邊種先係要考慮嘅主因.
貓我就唔養lu, 我有個小朋友仔係貓痴, 佢曾經同我講佢其中有一隻貓試過爬咗出窗外面(佢住48/F !), 足足等咗成晚佢hea 夠先肯返入屋.........佢就成晚眼光光望住個窗..... 嘩, 咁就真係唔駛預我, 比著係我咁大整蠱我推隻死嘢落去都似~
If you confirmed to have a dog, u like to have a big dog or a small dog?
long hair or short hair?
hamsubboy 發表於 2010-3-10 02:00
奉命 發表於 2010-3-10 03:17
兩位老友記, 詳見

奉命 發表於 2010-3-10 03:17 AM
領養亦需付費的, 領養費, 醫葯針錢, 清潔等...
my cat


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慢 慢 來 , 一 步 步 來 ,所 有 人 都 是 一 樣 的 ,
沒 一 個 人 是 特 別 的 , 只 要 努 力 和 勤 力 ,
一 定 會 成 功 。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 【寵物區】 » Can anyone tell me, where can I get a lovely puppy?

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