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Why I am not 92pts? I should enter the final
Why I am not 92pts? I should enter the final
R-Star 發表於 2010-7-12 02:19 AM
ur 11 transaction deduct points
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
12# Xtravagant
but after the changes, I am still 92pts wor!!!
12# Xtravagant  
but after the changes, I am still 92pts wor!!!
R-Star 發表於 2010-7-12 11:02 PM
World Cup ModePrivate classic and overall leagues will also show a World Cup Mode being played out. Once the knockout phase of the tournament starts, depending on the number of teams in your league, the top teams will go into a knockout playoff. For example, if you have between 8 and 15 teams in your league, at the point of the Quarter-finals, the top 8 teams will then go into a knockout phase, with any remaining teams being eliminated from the World Cup Mode view.
If you have 16 or more teams, the knockout stage will commence at the Round of 16.
Any points deducted for making transfers leading up to the round will be deducted from your World Cup Mode match score. ...this part answer your question..

If a World Cup Mode match is drawn, then the following tie-breaks will be applied until a winner is found:
  • Most goals scored in the round
  • Fewest goals conceded in the round
  • Virtual coin toss
14# 2000
In the semi-final, I am 92pts without changes, then made 5 changes to 70pts which resulted in a total of 92pts finally

2000 is 74pts without changes, then made 2 changes to 68 pts which resulted in a total of 83pts at last

I can't figure it out why the matchup result is 77-83 which I never got a result of 77
btw, maybe I like making miracle that made me wonder for the loss
本帖最後由 2000 於 2010-7-14 03:16 AM 編輯
14# 2000
In the semi-final, I am 92pts without changes, then made 5 changes to 70pts which resulted in a total of 92pts finally

2000 is 74pts without changes, then made 2 changes to 68 pts which res ...
R-Star 發表於 2010-7-13 11:33 PM
Substitutions will not cause any deduct of marks but you make transfer more than 4 (you made 10 transfers) when go into the round 6 where additional transfers will deduct 3 points per transfer. In overall and classic leagues, these points are deducted from your total. In head-to-head and World Cup Mode matches these points are deducted from your match score in the next round. Therefore, 6*3=18points will be deducted for calculation (92-18=74points, thus you lost)
16# 2000
ai... thanks for your detailed explanation

just found in the round history that I made 10 moves and costed me 15pts (1 free transfer remained in the previous round)

I thought the pts are deducted in the total immediately as it is shown, how come it is deducted in the score in the next round!!!

I lost the only chance to knock you down in fantasy soccer game
16# 2000  
ai... thanks for your detailed explanation

just found in the round history that I made 10 moves and costed me 15pts (1 free transfer remained in the previous round)

I thought the pts are ...
R-Star 發表於 2010-7-14 11:51 PM
Please see the Rules & help, on the Transfers partsaid the follow:

Additional transfers will deduct 3 points per transfer. In overall and classic leagues, these points are deducted from your total. In head-to-head and World Cup Mode matches these points are deducted from your match score in the next round. So the points deducted for head to head on round 6...We may still can play coming yahoo one
Please see the Rules & help, on the Transfers partsaid the follow:

Additional transfers will deduct 3 points per transfer. In overall and classic leagues, these points are deducted from your total. ...
2000 發表於 2010-7-15 01:46 AM
yes r... so I said thanks for your detailed description

I also led (or got close to) you in the first 1/3 of the yahoo soccer, but you got used to win the game without effort years by years
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » FIFA WORLD CUP FANTASY GAME!!

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