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US government asks Google for users' data; HK does too

Not only does the US government regularly request users' private data from Google, it does so more often than any other government, the search engine reported Monday. Google announced these details as part of its Transparency Report, a bi-annual disclosure of what governments worldwide are asking for.
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In the second half of 2010 (July - December), the US government made 4,601 requests for user information. Ninety-four percent of the time, Google either partially or completely complied with these requests. The other four of the top five countries that asked for user info during this period were Brazil, India, UK and France -- although the data shows that Google complied with these four countries' requests, on average, only about 70 percent of the time.
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In Greater China, the Hong Kong government made 90 requests for user information between July and December 2010, Google either partially or fully complied with 59% of the time. As for Taiwan, the government made 156 requests in the same period, while Google complied with 65% of the time. Down South, the Singapore government made 118 requests, while Google complied either fully or partially up to 88% of the time.
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0 O% }: s6 Y) K6 B1 |: hChina has alternative controls
% c" U3 h# d' C* R( YYou might have thought China would be the most frequent offender here. However, Google says that the Chinese government made no requests for information during the period.
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, @3 y, t  U5 ?' f, R" B0 O' hThis may seem strange, but remember that China monitors all Internet traffic. Thus, it probably finds the data it needs on its own, and has no need to request such data from companies.
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5 x$ a1 k  G3 hAltogether, more than 14,000 requests for user data were made during the period, the report indicates.
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In addition to the user data requests, Google listed requests for having content removed from search results due to defamation or illicit content. In that category, the UK led the way with 93,518 requests. However, these requests included 93,300 AdWords ads over claims of fraud (which Google complied with), so it's really more like 218 requests. Using these modified numbers, Brazil led countries with 263 requests, followed by South Korea, Germany, Libya, and India.
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7 {6 C' i; q5 o; r2 ePC World (US)
1# 浪子 privacy
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » US government asks Google for users' data; HK does too

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