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Ooooooo.. great shot!!
) r4 E2 t# }% a& T! v. c% D6 N+ r. z2 Z# \) |& i" D
another thing I forget to say last time, I mention in other post before, * [2 o% R: E2 ^2 _& W
once upon a time, I scored 4 goals in a games....& D8 `! }- n' @) M

4 n7 q3 [* S( U: Oand 2 of the goals were world class goal, I couldn't believe my eyes when I scored that 2 goals, NO GK in this world could stop that 2 goals......
$ s" z# w% A- S8 v, fI was totally shocked....8 q6 r" ]' E2 O% \/ H2 j* W
and couldn't believe my legs.....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by Dr.anger at 2005-3-9 02:12 PM:
& t. J" z; ~( I' M 試過一個人打贏成班既男仔(大約20人)..........不過係幼稚院o個時.........=.=...
2 C5 V3 G6 b, ?

0 ~* m. q3 L/ Y5 |- w6 g我都試過, 當時小弟仲係老大, 抽對面果班蝦我個哎呀情人既一班人, 最少30個, 抽到淤曬! 後來還要見家長, 不過也因爲這樣全間幼稚園所有女仔都封我做偶像!
新曆2006, 猶太曆666, 世界大劫將降臨
講起大佬, 小時候有兩年竟然有機會會男仔阿頭(不是指打架, 真正還權力個隻)
9 q% |; D/ U" N, Z% g女仔其中一個(當時有兩個)阿頭現在做了一個藝人3 Y: ]( }3 \( [( U8 E. W1 \. h
我亦不想講那個, 我只可以講佢曾經參選港姐
- [1 @/ `- J/ s4 H. t3 M佢的新聞曾轟動一時
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-9 02:06 PM:  K; Q. D" m& o) o! C
講起大佬, 小時候有兩年竟然有機會會男仔阿頭(不是指打架, 真正還權力個隻)6 ~4 f( m; A0 j. g
女仔其中一個(當時有兩個)阿頭現在做了一個藝人/ b$ F* L1 \$ [% v! @: V
我亦不想講那個, 我只可以講佢曾經參選港姐
( P) g8 K. I+ I6 f& r. u& n  N佢的新聞曾轟動一時
8 w  ^" t5 E; Y4 o9 d' Y+ Y$ a
( H9 f$ x4 H5 R% j你令我諗起麥家琪,佢既裸照轟動一時......係咪你拎佢既相去東周刊既?^^% f% \1 ]6 @, l/ A
' ?1 c& Y  o* I2 K- B1 G3 s. K
Originally posted by littlepig at 2005-3-9 05:19 PM:& [* ^0 e& `% E8 U  X# O

/ X- j  }+ M& Z) P2 p
0 Q4 F/ w2 n  K$ U你令我諗起麥家琪,佢既裸照轟動一時......係咪你拎佢既相去東周刊既?^^) f3 B6 y1 p6 R, h( q

3 {; M1 Z6 S' F, n  I0 l讀書時當過社長,話劇比賽時拿了個最佳男主角獎,唸大專時同一時間被兩個舊女同學追...算係威過掛.......不過,離開校園後,一切,都變得 ...
1 E( z: A& O. `8 A. N1 |
1 _; X# J* q6 Q7 v$ ]- a* h* ]其實平凡是福.........後來到了小學五年班我又做過風頭躉,又如何?只不過考過全級第一名又被幾個女仔中意,so? 現在又是一樣平凡.........平凡無趣的留學生!
新曆2006, 猶太曆666, 世界大劫將降臨
5 f7 w! x: |  W- a& p而且一些特別的經歷也未必是好事
2 ]# p) C" P# T9 k0 @  B( h7 P! c  ?當那兩年做阿頭的日子過去後,.... ....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
well6 {: U% C) V  W3 N  {
when i was in junior high school
* n* S- m3 [5 Z# `4 d1 Zi was the captain of our basketball team4 x# z; _! q  h7 m
(it was the first yr i played basketball as well, i guess they only wanted a guy with sportmanship, not best skills)(haha)
2 e2 n6 B" E/ F. T1 h/ K: G5 \1 _' _8 e- @8 k
shoot 91% at the freethrow line$ x% p  c5 S5 ], A* H
100% at the 3pt line (haha, 4 out of 4 for the whole season)* H; p& s) P( l9 K
averaging 7.3 pts per game, y2 Q# [6 E# ?2 B! J
             9.0 rpg
* C6 t* Y, K4 F             7+ apg0 k" e+ P' [+ Y9 r7 N+ Y$ w, W
*we lost the most important game...becoz i picked up 3 fouls in the first 3 mins of the first quarter...coach said he'll give mei his pair of jordan's if i didn't get foul out...but i picked up my 5th foul in the 3rd quarter...sigh...didn't make it to the playoffs8 n0 u" H. z/ U, ?

. f. K, z% y% [# Q8 e) m: _+ P( \*then i started doing baseball/softball (guess you guys are not interested...so i'll skip)" Y, l; g) `: P- M9 M
2 u+ p  @* N3 N/ n
- wrote my first and only musical play in 2001 for a teens conference' w8 b& n0 `0 p& l, [
- coaching my church softball team and taught HongKong friends to play softball( }4 [* j. t% q! s2 A
  (they even like it and come back for more this yr...it's hard....)
2 b" g6 [, k5 j) W9 A( P3 f3 Z- got the best GF in the world...we've been together for 4.5 yrs...
% {! _- ?, m' K. P8 t9 W7 p- thank God for the gr8est family in the world
4 E- [. M, D" l3 O& j* Ehaha4 \7 G, O6 C! [7 f0 K
memories....sigh...: @$ a5 P7 }1 g. O! K! A. a' w
no more new ones...sigh...wish i'm still a kid...sigh....(well...i'm still a kid...but no longer a teen)5 x9 h4 a! B. y" o
. s. ~2 ?8 v  _3 [2 ?
[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-3-10 at 05:11 PM ]
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-11 08:07:
3 r& G. i% F# v! z( T well
' O1 ^# o: F, rwhen i was in junior high school
. L  X; X& m% M3 q4 l; N4 ti was the captain of our basketball team+ E- O0 K; F/ ?$ `) o
(it was the first yr i played basketball as well, i guess they only wanted a guy with sportmanship, not best skill ...
; f% W) a: }5 c" e( M9 {* w9 H4 J$ ?+ C0 l
so hero3, did you come to Canada when you were about 8 years old?!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
2 ^3 u3 f0 Q- ^2 Y' Y以前打跆拳果陣
6 l7 G6 c( a7 j+ w' k: r6 ?考黑帶二段時6 |0 s: n% J; l
( _* l2 s: I% B  b6 p7 E痛到死...人人都打兩塊...師父要我打四塊
7 w- Z; O, f- i( L9 X1st time....couldn't do it6 \+ H7 V; a7 y
D家長同朋友都睇到目定口呆8 h3 g# }% M: Q
2nd time...回氣回咗三分幾鐘...跟住抱住"死就死"心情一嘢"pat"過去
0 ^" n* o) ?5 A) B掂咗...全場歡呼...跟住從此收山...手骨crack咗
4 s/ @* n1 s) X6 f乖養咗九個月/ w0 L( K% @) l6 M. s
不過好番幾個禮拜, 坐friend車, Boom..抄...再乖養咗九個月(back)(腰)
; C! E: V% W- Q4 {1 L好番...then...發現"指公"(right thumb)俾Airbag打傷jor...再乖養咗1 yr...# U% R8 q5 v# l( Q1 p, o' M( Q8 a
(haha...)then left thumb got injured in a softball injury...so 我係一個冇"指公"的男人) y8 M0 P- e; k) W6 @+ m
依家等緊做手術 (期代重出江湖的一日)
0 i( K$ b; E1 _! ^
7 ]: h/ y; A5 t3 l0 m: h1 Ioh...) n, f5 u' I- Q4 d+ J1 Q6 P
+ t3 @. U! n% v( p: B: t% Di'm a friend of 華X小姐冠軍
7 s8 N5 s$ c6 V" A/ q* \haha4 k% B- o! j  x+ r9 l
, Q0 F; j" ^6 }& z2 }0 E* k( M
that's it!!!" Z- I: p# Q( I& B( v8 B- f
; ]( E; y0 A# {2 S* ?0 e4 g9 S  A* A1 J! d  [
[ Last edited by herothree on 2005-3-10 at 06:20 PM ]
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