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我就二十歲...' o- l, R2 u+ Y" j8 `; B# x
9 C/ ]" S* m/ Z我唔想以後後悔同一事無成.
7 o+ X# A. u$ X4 q: ^
1 @- _1 t) L, j& T! k8 C6 N  r6 w我心智未成熟...
! [- v" y7 Z! R宜家讀書,又唔知讀乜野好,對邊樣野有興趣?講真,我自己都唔知.
" Y7 T: q! J5 O: }. U我又無乜話邊方面特別叻.( a  ^6 f: M: K
( g0 B9 L7 Y( `1 ?: f; k5 E2 j
個人意見, 如有冒犯, 請多多包函.
i am one year larger than u!1 p' Q! H$ F8 F5 u& i( v
"但係我發覺自己未有目標同理想.1 b5 Q) P; w* s) s) k. @3 {9 Y
我唔想以後後悔同一事無成" this is what many many hk student also have this feeling, i think hk education makes us to feel study is for entering U and then getting a good future job, but making us to ignore our interests, and this is one of the main reason why someone is successful but some are so poor, not mainly due to ability and academic reason, but is u need to have goal and motivation to achieve yr goal
: b' M! T1 W" c) P6 H2 _, T# L# Ji am studying, i am also worry about my future as i know what i am studying is not very useful for my future and i know that i am not interested in it  t  |9 z5 K/ w! m
so i concluded that interest is just for after having a stable job and income for my case/ w; w) ~) T' y0 S8 E) C" U% y
for yr case:
4 l0 `# q2 @6 D7 Y1 ^8 dno goal at this moment is ok, dun need to enforce yrself to have one, but i think u should have yr goal, this needs to find by yrself" T. v4 ]+ O+ G6 M/ {! K0 n
dunno study what, right?- u1 ], S: l( D2 i* e
try to study some that related to yr work or future work or u interest, because  this will make u have motivation to study, if not, that's like my case, u will feel boring on study
5 g; C% R+ X5 p4 A+ @interest what then also need to find find yrself la, i think u must  have but u haven't think it very very seriously and clearly* u8 {: a- ?3 N8 K  r+ E
i also suggest u have a stable job or income b4 getting yr goal except u are living in a rich family, but if u have interest on something that can be yr future work, then u must go it,
8 x* f' G  x( ^0 e9 zbecause u can save much more time, hope u can be successful in the future^^
/ }" u$ o7 H# k1 b9 @
' A1 p- A$ |# D0 ?) `: s3 I[ Last edited by jason williams on 2005-4-5 at 12:51 PM ]
! [. r/ e, q" X  [+ T# D但就係唔太想溫...  }& j. q: Z2 Z. {( x& `
) T6 I9 y, Q$ u- S但係身邊d人又同我講個考試有幾重要....衰左就咩前途都無哂....0 D0 N% Q6 P1 X8 J
點解要咁 ?? downdown地.....
minghkhk,; p. n7 W3 o# }1 K  G* }

8 C5 J1 L- R3 Z% r" @Take away all those suggestions and opinion from unclesand auntie 8, what do you really really enjoy doing?
% Y' v1 Z0 P. s' g/ A- d2 e1 [7 C+ L. B
Answer this question first...when you get a honest answer from your heart, then try locating something similiar to the nature of your honest answer, that's how you find your life's goal.
! a, O+ Y1 [0 \: J
* j# z3 I  l3 l7 N4 l. ~( a* ~6 dStudying is no fun when you hated it and see no point doing it....for short term solution (for the exam), promise yourself a reward when it's all over (like a PSP, new phone, etc.). Don't worry about whether you have $ to buy it or not....remember when you're down, imagine the reward at the end and this should motivate you to grind thru the sufferings.  d5 B0 d/ l) ^+ Y# f. S
: N( I8 p+ X5 q, H
I am not a particular smart and harding working person...but I got through two degrees with that attitude.
0 u! {( S  v; G8 h6 q; i4 T/ K' ]1 j/ S) i* F9 o& F+ Y1 Z4 O
Cheer up...and be ruthless to yourself when studying for exams....the reward is there to wait for you.
讀到書都唔一定有成就既,你自己先諗好自己比較鍾意做邊一行(能力範圍之內) 然後比心機做啦~正所謂行行出狀元嘛
我已成為了 隱閉青年 ...
誰願回看憂鬱的眼 舊事沒法平淡   偏偏要裝作平淡
憑著忘記將它沖淡 但是易說難辦   歲月已印在眉間
Originally posted by JCer at 2005-4-5 06:26 PM:1 p/ Y4 m% t- A/ F/ l- \2 C
我已成為了 隱閉青年 ...
  b' w5 M$ W% x5 x5 r
+ ]$ o2 S) @8 s0 r6 vha? if u say seriously, i encourage u to back to this society, add oil!
Originally posted by minghkhk at 2005-4-5 14:08:
& K% T9 M% X8 s1 q7 H我就二十歲..., ~9 M* p( ?  {* ]+ d! s3 J
但係我發覺自己未有目 ...
8 ~; `2 o7 @" ~. d3 |0 x+ n, M9 |9 {
be happy la,5 a, K1 m  a) _2 |0 U
you can see a lot of people support u: T% n; A3 Y! g% C3 V

' \; H" ~/ \* c1 A8 \- x' Mbut finally, it's YOU, to encourage and be run forward!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 前途...?

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