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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...
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Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney will be hit with a three-match ban following his sending off during the pre-season tour of Amsterdam. (Various)

bloody hell where is justice?
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by buengland at 2006-8-8 05:32 PM:
有好消息, 雖未證實

點解會叫dirty devil ge??
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by iknow at 2006-8-8 22:37:

點解會叫dirty devil ge??
maybe #10270 啩~
i hope senna tackle the shit of of drogba
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
also, i was gonna get the mu jersy 2day, am i want to print the champion's leauge number on it, but they told me that is not white number this season, is GOLD!!!! and should be out in 2-4weeks~~~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2006-8-8 10:54 PM:
also, i was gonna get the mu jersy ...
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Smith nears comeback date

Alan Smith's aim since breaking his leg in January has always been to be fit for the start of the season - and he appears to be on schedule.

The feisty forward, who suffered the double blow of a broken leg and dislocated ankle against Liverpool in February, insists he is getting close to full fitness.

"My aim has always been to be around for the start of the season and fingers crossed I will not be far off," he told MUTV.

Smith feels fortunate that, at the age of 25, this is the first serious injury he has had to endure. Which is all the more reason he will be fired up and ready to return.

"I was lucky to get this far without a major injury because football is a physical game," he added. "You realise how much it does mean to you when you come in every day and are putting in the work after being injured. When I return that hunger will be the same for me."

Smith's attitude and approach to his rehabilitation from an injury Sir Alex Ferguson described as "one of the worst I've seen" has been regularly commended. The Yorkshireman says the key was to remain positive and stick to the advice given my the medical team that have overseen his remarkable recovery.

"It would be easy to cut corners but you should never do that," he says. "I like taking part in sport anyway, so doing bike rides and things like that was fun. The good thing for me

Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-8-8 01:12 AM:
唉!!就過12點啦!!!咁又過我生日la,,終於14 歲lu
Originally posted by szeto at 2006-8-8 11:43 PM:
唉!!就過12點啦!!!咁又過我生日la,,終於14 歲lu
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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