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Originally posted by srfqt1 at 2006-8-17 22:42:
Premiership 2006/07 Squad Numbers:


1. 雲達沙, 2. 加里仔, 3. 艾華, 4. 軒斯, 5. 里奧, 6. 布朗, 7. 朗拿度, 8. 朗尼, 9. 沙夏, 11. 傑斯, 13. 朴智星, 14. 史密夫, 15. 維迪, 16. 卡域克, 17. 米拿, 18. 史高斯, 19. 羅斯, 20. 蘇斯克查, 22. 奧沙, 23. 李察遜, 24. 費查, 25. D.鐘斯, 27. 施維斯達, 29.古斯錫, 33. 伊高斯, 38. 希頓, 49. R.鐘斯
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-8-17 07:29 PM:

Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2006-8-17 11:35 PM:

有少少唔習慣Rossi 仔著19號tim
Originally posted by iknow at 2006-8-17 11:34 PM:

羅斯著細d ge號碼lu~
very gd
Originally posted by eqhigh at 2006-8-17 08:02 PM:

Originally posted by szeto at 2006-8-18 12:58 AM:

有少少唔習慣Rossi 仔著19號tim
Owen Hargreaves is set to hold talks with Bayern Munich this week regarding his future with the German giants.

The Canadian-born midfielder has become the subject of a move to Manchester United after the 25-year-old confirmed The Red Devils had made an offer for him.

Bayern insist the England international is not for sale, with Hargreaves under contract to the Bavarians until 2010.

Despite Bayern's stance, Hargreaves's agent Roman Grill believes the club must consider his client's wishes for his career.

"It is not a question of whether the club want to filter-004 a transfer, it is obvious that they need players like Owen and they don't want him to leave, but on the other hand, the player wants to talk," said Grill.

"Owen wants to tell the club how he sees his future.

"Owen has never had any problems with Bayern and has been here for nine years now without any complaints.

"The time has now come to evaluate where he is in his career.

"Maybe later (Thursday), he will talk with the coach Felix Magath and see how he views things.

"As he has already said, Owen sees this (United offer) as an excellent opportunity."

Hargreaves provided another solid performance for England at Old Trafford in Wednesday's 4-0 friendly thrashing of Greece.
Bayern Munich midfielder Owen Hargreaves is believed to be on the verge of a move to Manchester United if the two clubs can agree a deal.

The 25-year-old starred at Old Trafford for England on Wednesday as he helped the team to a 4-0 win over Greece.

Bayern are reluctant to let Hargreaves go but he has made it clear he wants to join United and £13m could seal it.

Hargreaves will return to Bayern on Thursday where he is expected to reiterate his desire to move.

He is already understood to have had meetings with the Bayern hierarchy where he has stated his intentions.

And Hargreaves publicly signalled his intent for the transfer to go through when he said: "To play (for Manchester United) is a great opportunity and I would be happy if I got that chance.

Owen has a contract until 2010 and he will complete it - The issue is closed

Bayern general manager Uli Hoeness

"Particularly as an England international, it's of interest and you never know if such an opportunity will arise again.

"Now is the time to take the next step to develop even further."

Hargreaves seems determined to seize on his raised profile in England following his combative and tough-tackling displays during the World Cup.

He was seen as England's player of the tournament and continued his impressive rise in the international ranks in the friendly against Greece in new manager Steve McClaren's first game in charge.

Bayern would be reluctant to sell Hargreaves after fellow central midfield star Michael Ballack left them to join Chelsea at the end of last season.

Bayern general manager Uli Hoeness said: "Hargreaves is not a subject of filter-004ion.

"Owen has a contract until 2010 and he will complete it. The issue is closed."

Hargreaves has been at Bayern since moving to the club from Canada as a 16-year-old in 1997.

606 VIEW
Bayern won't be able to hold on to Hargreaves if he's determined to leave

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He helped Bayern to the Champions League crown in 2001 and has also won four Bundesliga titles with the club.

His inclusion in former England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson's squad for the World Cup raised eyebrows after he had failed to establish himself since his international debut against Holland in August 2001.

But he was in impressive form in Germany and starred when he played against Sweden and Portugal.

Bayern coach Felix Magath added: "I am not planning to get rid of any players, particularly not Hargreaves - it has never been an issue."

Hargreaves has been linked with numerous Premiership clubs over recent years, including Arsenal, Tottenham and Middlesbrough.
Originally posted by 瑞比 at 2006-8-18 01:05 AM:

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