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man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang

Portuguese influence growing at Man Utd
tribalfooball.com - June 05, 2007

After securing Porto starlet Anderson, Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson will welcome another two Brazilians to Old Trafford next month.

Fluminense twins Rafael and Fabio Silva are both due to sign contracts with United when they turn 18 on July 9. The pair won deals at Old Trafford after impressing in trials early last season, having first been spotted by United scouts playing in Manchester United Nike Cup in 2005.

Fabio and Rafael are left and right-sided fullbacks, respectively, and are expected to stay with United for the coming season. The increasing Portuguese-speaking influence at Old Trafford, which also includes Evandro Brandao from Walsall, is sure to assist their adjustment.


Left one is Fabio, Right one is Rafael~~
how can they get work permit~~??
Loan to Antwerp..??

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-5 at 10:40 PM ]
http://www.manutd.com/default.sp ... }&newsid=433590

Evans to get United chance

Highly-rated young Reds defender Jonny Evans will be back at Old Trafford next season attempting to earn his stripes in the United first team.

After impressing on loan with Royal Antwerp in the first half of the 2006/07 campaign, Belfast-born Jonny was handed his Northern Ireland debut and then helped Roy Keane's Sunderland side reach the Premiership.

Keane was hopeful of retaining the 19-year-old's services for his first season in the top-flight, but Sir Alex has made it clear that Evans has done enough to prove he is capable of pushing for first-team experience.

"The manager has made it clear that I won't be going out on loan again," Evans told the Belfast Telegraph. "I'll be back at United and we'll see what happens. I'll be involved in pre-season and he has more or less said that I will get games."

Although Evans was willing to return to Sunderland next season and gain experience at the Stadium of Light, as a life-long Red he is understandably delighted to get his shot at his childhood dream.

"I want to play for Manchester United," he added. "I am a Manchester United fan and it has been my aim since I signed for the club to get into the first team. The incentive is there for me now and I want to be good enough to be playing for United."


No wonder Sir alex has not signed any defender yet....Two future stars will join Man Utd next season~~
The defensive force should be more than enough~~

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-5 at 10:41 PM ]
Originally posted by iknow at 2007-6-3 20:19:
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-6-5 10:39 PM:
之所以會有空間放走軒斯, 大概呢個都係原因之一, 吾計evans 都仲有艾夫蘭, 施維斯達同奧沙可以打左閘

但有無朋友知道rossi既消息呢? 好怕manu會覺得佢太細粒太單薄放棄佢, 佢有少少似3冠時期希亞利既命運, 預備組天下無敵但最後係一隊搵吾到正選.....好怕佢行番希亞利條舊路....
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-6-6 09:30:

之所以會有空間放走軒斯, 大概呢...
his situation is better than David healy...he did a great job at Parma...
and some Italians clubs, like sampdoria and Parma, have an intention to sign him...可能最後成為交換棋子....
and now Raneiri became the boss of Juventus, maybe he will try to bring Rossi to Juventus~~

[ Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-6-6 at 12:43 PM ]
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-6-6 09:30 AM:

之所以會有空間放走軒斯, 大概呢...
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by iknow at 2007-6-6 16:39:

but Sir Alex is looking for a Striker, like Saha and Simthy type,
that's why Anelka, Saviola and Owen are all linked to Man utd...

Rossi is a forward, like Rooney and Scholes type, always playing at a role behind the striker...so it's a bit diferent...and now man utd do really need a good striker...or else we will see Ronney playing as a striker without any support again~~
Originally posted by iknow at 2007-6-6 04:39 PM:

正如arthur8088兄所講...羅斯似rooney果d type..
但今年仲要買左件anderson回來..佢正正係sub rooney or scholes=.=

by the way..想問下..

[ Last edited by babo on 2007-6-6 at 06:31 PM ]

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