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Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2007-9-15 07:46 PM:

又將 Tevez 打 ST................
Fergie 真係...............
我覺得tevez縮後一格幾好wor, 唔係點用?

打最前又唔好, 打後一格又唔得?

咁點用最好? 賜教!

Silvestre out for season with cruciate knee injury

Manchester United defender Mikael Silvestre has been ruled out for the rest of the season after suffering a cruciate knee ligament injury in yesterday's 1-0 win at Everton.

The 30-year-old went down in agony after trying to turn as he made a tackle during the first half at Goodison Park and was clearly in a lot of discomfort as he was carried off on a stretcher.

Sir Alex Ferguson confirmed Silvestre would be sent for a scan as soon as his team arrived back in Manchester and the results have only confirmed the United manager's worst fears.

A club official confirmed the extent of the damage and a recovery timetable which means Silvestre will not be seen again for the remainder of the campaign.

It is desperately bad news for the former Inter Milan star, whose first team appearances have been limited due to the impressive form of Patrice Evra.

It is bad news for United as well, as it robs Ferguson of experienced defensive cover at left-back after Gabriel Heinze's acrimonious move to Real Madrid.

It is also the latest in a series of knee injuries to hit the Old Trafford camp.

Park Ji-Sung and England keeper Ben Foster are both at different stages of recovery from cruciate ligament surgery, while Ole Gunnar Solskjaer announced his retirement this month after failing to recover from a long-term knee complaint.

With John O'Shea also out after sustaining injury on Republic of Ireland duty last week, youngsters Gerard Pique and Johnny Evans are likely to be among Ferguson's squad when United open their Champions League campaign against Sporting Lisbon in Portugal on Wednesday.

Evra has to go back to play as LB now....
can pique plays at LB?
Originally posted by 犯人 at 2007-9-16 09:31 PM:
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2007-9-17 08:26 AM:
can pique plays at LB?
佢同奧沙,伊雲斯都可以既, 但一定唔係最佳位置lor....
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2007-9-17 08:58:

佢同奧沙,伊雲斯都可以既, 但一定唔係最佳位置lor....
Pique and Evans are quite slow....I am thinking kieran Lee...he did a pretty good job in last season's match against Chelsea~~
Lee is more capable to play at LB than Pique and Evans..

PS: Pique is right footed, dont wanna waste him to become another O'Shea again~~
Since Pique is a really promising CB
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2007-9-17 09:46 AM:

Pique and Evans are quite slo...

C 朗拿度或被檢控

默西賽德郡警方將會調查曼聯中場C 朗拿度上週作客愛華頓中涉嫌蓄意踩傷對方球迷萊特一事。


C 朗拿度在上週作客愛華頓一役才刑滿復出,豈料復出後又再涉嫌生事。

萊特向英國傳媒表示他被C 朗拿度襲擊後需入院接受治療,並稱自己沒有向C 朗拿度作出任何挑釁。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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