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Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 18-11-2007 10:22:
By the way, 咁而家佢高級定費 Sir 高級 ???
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2007-11-18 10:22 AM:

man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
Originally posted by Edgar Davids at 2007-11-18 10:25 AM:

By the way, 咁而家佢高級定費 Sir 高級 ???
1968 Sir Alexander Matthew Busby CBE (CBE in 1958)
1994 Sir Robert "Bobby" Charlton CBE (CBE in 1974, OBE in 1969) 
1999 Sir Alexander Chapman Ferguson CBE (CBE in 1995, OBE in 1984)

1990 Bryan Robson OBE
2003 David Robert Joseph Beckham OBE
2004 Leslie Mark Hughes OBE (MBE in 1998)
2005 David Sexton OBE

1999 Viv Anderson MBE
2000 Norbert "Nobby" Peter Stiles MBE

2001 Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel MBE (honorary)
2006 Dr Henrik Edward Larsson MBE (honorary)  

2007 Ryan Joseph GIGGS OBE
2007 Ole Gunnar Solskjær  OBE(同BECKHAM,傑斯同級)

Dun want to focus to England out anymore, some good (Expected actually!!!) news

Swift return for Rooney

Wayne Rooney could return for United as soon as Monday week when Fulham visit Old Trafford.

The Reds striker scored eight goals in seven games before a training ground accident forced him onto the sidelines.

The initial prognosis signalled that United would be without the influential front man for a month.

But Rooney is a quick healer, and after doing light running on Thursday and Friday this week, should be in contention for the Monday night game on 3 December.

“I think he will be back for the Fulham game, definitely," said the boss.

“He’s doing some running. Somebody reported that they saw him training on Tuesday. That’s some eye sight!

“He started some light running on Thursday and did some good running on Friday.

"Wayne won’t play at Bolton or against Sporting Lisbon, but I would think he'll be available for Fulham."

Rooney scored eight goals in seven games before suffering the injury. His quick comeback is a major fillip for Sir Alex ahead of the busy festive schedule.
Originally posted by kt_1984 at 2007-11-24 12:11 AM:
Swift return for Rooney

明知佢布力般果場就唔得架啦, 索性up大d啦...
如果唔係老老實實同大家講2 weeks, 麥卡倫條痴線佬咪會選佢lor,

最後要佢打止痛針, 後備幫佢追番2比2...

newcastle就係衰老實, 又太自由, 曼聯點會比你自己去做手術先...

曼聯果d, 永遠一有傷, 立即番曼聯先check咩事, 起碼有得報大數...

如果唔係, 英格蘭d軍醫會同你報大d咩?


Originally posted by eqhigh at 2007-11-25 12:14 AM:

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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