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Originally posted by aRz7UP at 2008-4-17 07:51 PM:
只係一場誤會, 佢無掉到波3...
Originally posted by harvey22 at 2008-4-17 19:29:
Manchester United are ready to spla...
Ths sun你都信~~~~
Man Utd to spend £90M re-signing four stars
tribalfootball.com - April 17, 2008

Manchester United are set to announce the signing of four top stars to new contracts.
The Sun says United will spend a staggering £90million in wages to keep four of their stars.

The club are splashing the cash on mega salaries for Cristiano Ronaldo, Rio Ferdinand, Wes Brown and Michael Carrick as the quartet tie up lucrative new deals.

Brown and Carrick have followed Ferdinand by agreeing contracts - which means in the last week United have committed themselves to £52m in wages.

And Portuguese genius Ronaldo, 23, is ready to seal a five-year, £150,000-a-week deal in the summer, taking the total figure to £90m.

haha...Looks like Brown's agent fail to fight for a better deal for his client~~
and Brown will settle with the contract extention offered by Man Utd~

it's good news..Man Utd doesnt need to spend extra money to sign another RB this year...probably they would give more chances to H4, F24, and Simpson to play at RB~~
Originally posted by arthur8088 at 2008-4-18 03:21 PM:
Man Utd to spend...
但我想佢買拿姆, 已經走漏左個赫頓啦...







Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-18 15:34:

但我想佢買拿姆, 已經走漏左個赫頓啦...
Originally posted by filter-052fans at 2008-4-18 15:34:

但我想佢買拿姆, 已經走漏左個赫頓啦...
but it could be very expensive to sign Lahm..as Hargeaves required 18M..he's only a sub in Bayern...It would definitely cost more than that to persuade Lahm to leave Bayern.

maybe they will get it this time after Euro 08..coz recently, manutd would definitely give you surprise in signing players...like Larsson, Andersen...for those like Hutton, Berbatov and Bale are only rumours...maybe your wish will come true this time...haha

not only Hutton, like Kakeidevil said, they missed out on Gareth Bale as well~~
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2008-4-18 03:42 PM:
伊高斯已經係肯定會out, 而於gibson仲後生, 可能仲有得玩...
Gareth Bale, as i recall they pass on the chance to sign him~
so is not missing out imo
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2008-4-18 03:42 PM:
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 【奧脫福茶餐廳】--- 再見C朗,野獸出走...

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