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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 想登記n 3lun ch論壇有乜計?
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oh.....ic la) b* X' K/ G  Q1 P/ z6 A
3l is a sex
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-4-15 10:36 PM:
5 j5 s" |( ^+ d9 A7 y) {/ ]yes, if admin do like to go further or expand,
/ J5 ]: c+ Y, iyou have to check this frequently
" w8 j7 U/ i3 s2 |% ]7 m9 Ju can see the situation / status of the other HK forums
9 w3 ?5 Z( H1 ~% K2 Z- Ee.g. 3L9 G/ ~) C" {7 |

, y, G; K% o: `u can trace back the changes on 2/1/2005 (our independent day!!! ^^"
( E4 ^4 G5 j. E1 ^4 O: k
but I don't think their chart are correct...9 _1 E9 q3 _  ]& j
the traffic goes double and double since 2004-1
' b- o. j' S4 ^4 Y; s' zI have record...hee
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-4-15 22:40:
( E2 q4 x9 j7 R* Aoh.....ic la
. b$ o- t/ u8 M2 b6 b& Q3l is a sex
no la, just like us
# j9 i: y7 d* [! F/ ibut in kid style at most
  A5 H# g  q) V) T4 [9 l* m0 R" ?but....they have strength point we should learn on it1 K! F% l! r& r# H/ H  H
it is one of the forum I have to check to let my admin work run smoothly in here
Originally posted by admin at 2005-4-15 22:46:6 Z3 t' L. d* R& U
; j$ f! g2 K' f, \7 e# Y# Q
but I don't think their chart are correct...  r8 C" R( O) _. L
the traffic goes double and double since 2004-1* N/ T0 l, L0 C" ?
I have record...hee
( t* m: p" I  Q( L: q
5 k! y. j$ Q' e& s1 e2 v, R
' e' q; n- {* D7 _; Cbut in another word to say
1 r! r% D- s) E8 o' wthey get the same scale on the other forums on this situation& m) `' Y1 \, k" o+ t
so its figure still be an important indicator for you to assess our situation in HK
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-4-15 22:48:8 ]& j) A& y; _/ K4 I
no la, just like us7 V; g0 D+ t! W/ k# |' [
but in kid style at most
. g' e, G, b: X# Y$ }! ~3 q! Xbut....they have strength point we should learn on it
& S" R4 ]& X# N/ w4 ~" sit is one of the forum I have to check to let my admin work run smoothly in here
0 q, Y; j% E1 }, M& W9 @& j我地26fun冇咁咸
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-4-15 22:50:: w) e  z* V0 e0 t

  C! f6 P6 z' d/ R! p) x我地26fun冇咁咸
6 Y7 [$ G) B* S# v! y& m# S% R" C9 Z7 C# X8 u* T5 F
their adult board is much more better than ours! `  k: I. k1 Q2 i
we have to work one more step on it6 z6 ?/ J) G! Y2 M" R# n
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 想登記n 3lun ch論壇有乜計?

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