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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 搭巴士時最唔舒服最憎係咩?[樂+]
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for me, i hate the guy who is sitting behind me using his legs 頂著 my seat !!!!!6 F% ~# _( \8 l7 P$ T5 _; Y
頂著 is already bad ! worst is he/she not only 頂著 my seat, but also shake his/her legs!!!
$ O! \6 g/ K1 ~6 I+ P% U" Xi really hate this most!!!0 e* W* g( y7 K0 ~. U+ {
so intervenient!!!
/ J* ]; R& W1 Z: o$ _( {4 s. L" q3 }
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-9 at 05:01 PM ]
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-5-7 04:50 AM:
" l1 Y9 \9 g0 I% i9 ?for me, i hate the guy who is sitti...
- ]; l: u5 P* h

7 a) I) p# l4 E/ y# Nagreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
" o: `: ]" Z! g6 v/ [$ c5 Yi hate that!!!!!!! S0 b* z4 c2 U) y& w& H  c
the worst thing is that they sometimes then 頂, then take a rest.... then 頂again!!! i really wanna 頂them with mouth........2 x3 E' ~0 B: n) x- o; P
, \; f( ]; T$ [5 `6 M
and i've mentioned in another post, i hate ppl (esp. teenagers and c9) screaming on bus......2 x" S* R$ Y& u

# ^6 x8 @+ C: ?- xbesides....i hate the driver set the volume of the radio 唔湯唔水.......
Originally posted by crap at 2005-5-7 03:00 AM:- r' d7 K9 S+ L/ Q

% f. T* J, C" q3 I1 ?1 e6 C6 X* J  S) N9 V$ ?
% U+ }0 H1 r! {% e
0 g4 S1 O4 D7 ~5 F/ s
yeah give me five, 頂 them together!!!
+ W- o6 Z1 ?9 I! ~; B! _9 zbesides, i forget to mention that i hate the air conditioner design!!!
2 K/ H$ [) {! o& X- _dunno why its design is so bad that the cold air flowing out from the top side can't be close, some time really feel cold !
Originally posted by crap at 2005-5-7 03:00 AM:# {' }9 y0 ~! i, z; e

# A: W% m9 Y0 A* [0 G. p  y5 o& U( B6 w! P% E! t1 ^& c
besides....i hate the driver set the volume of the radio 唔湯唔水.......
, o% N. C0 n/ L" B
3 e3 |* E. l9 I& u3 xand dunno why in the morning, that most of us want to take a short sleep, the volume is so large to interrupt our sleeping. However sometimes wanting to watch roadshow, its volume is so small that can't listen what is saying !!!
  G2 t) i" g2 ~: y: S1 e% S, d( r* u7 K) ]5 J) f1 ]3 z
two words: 作對!!!
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-5-7 05:07 AM:4 v4 z# s* q3 X% g# h3 X
9 U. S5 L! J* n3 _4 S  o4 c

6 M+ m7 p  X4 L% @yeah give me five, 頂 them toge...
8 Q2 ^7 W: ]  i. \3 H3 \4 z# B" W3 C8 Z' C: `
hahahaa, yeah!!0 f) b4 @2 @& X8 x
6 w7 q7 m% u) r0 v# z6 u" Z
that's right....
: `8 Z# U+ t5 P( ?+ i; k: kit's been hell staying in a cold bus for like half an hour.........=.="  V" L2 B' }8 m* h9 x+ {

& C& M( y4 {+ }8 |$ c, }and do u find that most bus drivers are very nice?
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-5-7 05:11 AM:2 V2 O4 C+ Y4 n, Q- _! X
  M8 i5 }/ c% [3 T+ L2 N

0 E! s0 X; b7 _, E  {* ], u4 F- |and dunno why in the morning, t...
/ l4 j* I1 ~3 \
, K1 m  d; A7 B; E! Y& H- f& {* Q( B8 {hhahahah# b* G2 g  `8 |- S" g3 n! I# O. B
u are right again
Originally posted by crap at 2005-5-7 03:12 AM:
3 a6 P  t% I/ u$ u) x  B
  T5 F5 V: }& I4 X: e0 }# x
% f" _+ [3 g+ |: n! Z1 P/ qdo u find that most bus drivers are very nice?
$ l2 M9 w; b9 V% P  s7 |" B( N4 N- T- Y
! z/ I/ w5 f  ^! q/ tm.......ok la, not bad gei, but sometimes still have some pk, seeing u chasing it, he would still close the door even u already arrived
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-5-7 05:15 AM:  Y$ B" d1 R8 v( I; r# `
8 U" m9 t3 w. }3 ^+ O, F% T$ `1 P5 f

/ z) n* s6 |# ~( ^! Fm.......ok la, not bad gei, but sometimes still have some pk, seeing u chasing it, he would still close the door even u already arrived
! \; v7 Z! {% u
1 V, a5 g! m2 h' Q7 Z1 a5 M% n0 _hahahhaaa, you get a point there( Z. W& d; j+ ~3 s
maybe i'm lucky la, coz i take bus to MK most of the time, the bus is always full and they always ask ppl to keep clear ar, hold tight ar, and wait ppl to get off ga
the seat is what makes me uncomfortable~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 搭巴士時最唔舒服最憎係咩?[樂+]

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