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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家鐘意收集d咩或是想要d架咩?[積極回應者+5]
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for my case6 F% |  i" ^% q9 F9 q
i am a sneaker lover
( [" @8 J8 J, P
2 ^* V9 N3 e: F- o& @4 q[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-14 at 11:02 AM ]
hockey card! (it would be a shame if I don't)& m% J( Q; q  l0 W- ?: a. @
stamps (I stated 25 yrs ago ....if I go hungry I can sell all my stamps and can sustain a month w/out income )% M" D/ G( }* P* B' Q5 A. I$ j
postscards (wherever I go), }' l+ _5 q: G' F9 Q
bus tickets/transfers.

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-14 01:59 AM:
* o$ [! M' ~6 H0 U) x; d2 I% _hockey card! (it would be a shame i...
6 g; F6 E, A. v5 X& l/ W

& u) c" ^# H/ R$ Fstamps? i also have this type of collection, but only during my childhood only3 v( c$ ~. ], P3 @/ j
8 q- F) `& x, A
i forget to say i also have collection of the tags which hanging on the items i bought
collect and like money =.="* I& n6 O  |2 A; {

4 M- c& B( m! E% A( w: w3 Oum...
& D( C! M! H2 I+ M! x3 G& l! aAction figures la (LOTR + 星矢 )! P: ^' T( V1 E
comics la
- r/ A; B! C6 P  A8 ?. S; lTime magazine la
! j/ }8 S# ?( Z' \! G鹹碟la) a1 ?7 Q2 }3 t$ X8 ]$ A# y, `
and 廁紙筒 (有成百個, 但唔知儲黎做咩...)
Crap,$ d) u/ X8 t- z# [$ [: f

# Q4 e5 Q( @+ h# l+ w"廁紙筒"! R U serious? How many different kinds are there? $ w4 Z8 v7 B/ k. }9 Z
% [/ {. r  m; l$ ^4 R; @
Jason Williams,( Q% r& {" ^, A! D

: c0 V$ b* K! Y1 h; _/ fFor a good 10 yr period, I ordered new stamp sheets from GuangZhou post office. Only recently I realized the 'panda stamps' are really expensive. But I don't think I will sell it..it's too much of a sentimental value to me.
' s5 H; J2 k' X0 ^
0 p: J; U* D$ ZRecently I started my collection of fountains and watches....it will probably break my bank account and get my wife very upset!

Originally posted by crap at 2005-5-14 02:29 AM:
4 h; R  a: ]6 V% D1 L& \collect and like money =.="
* V3 q* h8 J. _2 S/ O  S2 b/ F! H0 I: B
4 S, j* P! c7 U0 Z$ v2 D9 b, [- s1 ?Action figures la (LOTR + 星矢 )1 U" C) f( d( T8 u; P0 p, y
comics la1 G2 d, u! a; P* I3 _) R
Time magazine la
5 U4 @+ S  e3 M3 l鹹碟la
+ s; e/ e3 F; B( Z  cand 廁紙筒 (有成百個, 但唔知儲黎做咩...)
, x2 k0 K8 e1 |* x1 ]" U; h

/ ]- R  W: [; L8 N1 C. Haction figure?6 u# L% r: g0 ~  ~( ?
haha, i like dragon ball, i always buy dragon ball small figure and like to play 扭蛋
fountains? yeah sometime i also quite like some of their design, quite like a work of art5 ?% n  p6 b1 B6 S) I) k
watches? sure cost a lot for this hobby, G( D$ E% [9 T+ r: Y& t. U4 g
for me, i always think buying snearker for collect is wasting $$$, because i am still a student and just spending my part time job $ to get them, i know this is also from others eyes, because collecting thing, no matter toys or watch or historical china, etc.........
' _5 a5 _' ~% H) s! wfrom the others eyes, they also think they are wasting $$$3 o. Y2 o4 ~* f3 s% |
but i always feel they are not understanding about us, when seeing my collection, i will be feeling very happy, this is what the real value of them
+ ~% H+ s6 Q$ Jfor my view real, they are really work of art!
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-14 04:40 AM:. P/ ]4 h* h1 p! W
3 E0 K# i8 T" L2 Y/ @8 f3 t
4 c# J& i  A* u# W"廁紙筒"! R U se...
0 H8 c( n2 B# j+ w( H
8 N3 d: |3 Z9 m1 U' M5 C0 ehahahhaaa, from like 10 brands6 r7 @3 ^/ |' {+ n8 q" s" k2 V  V
i'll take a photo of them and let u guys hv a look later on
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-5-14 05:12 AM:. i3 D3 Y) i' _6 s2 k$ j. P

9 d' p8 ~# n0 M& A# A2 {8 S: a, Z, t8 e: r
action figure?
/ ^8 x# y% \3 H- z5 Rhaha, i like dragon ball, i always buy dragon ball small figure and like to play 扭蛋
: y% n& D2 x0 ?0 f+ v( B% ?8 `
1 d+ b( h1 h% W( R+ Wreally?!1 `( T, U) U4 e4 m; P
some members like DB eggs too ga bor+ P- }* ?! b* p+ W- D* l0 w
u can come to toy board to have a look
% `9 K  W3 B. i/ ^最想收集錢
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家鐘意收集d咩或是想要d架咩?[積極回應者+5]

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