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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 26FUN分柝後, 大家只留在其中一版還是兩邊也有訪問?
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26FUN分柝後, 大家只留在其中一版還是兩邊也有訪問?

多選投票, 共有 0 人參與投票
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42.11% (8)
With the separation of the snapshot boards and the XXX content boards, are you more likely to stick with one? or maintain the same visits on both sites?5 o+ @1 \5 @8 C; v1 g4 a
, T2 {7 f; d; r1 U; T! D! V) {
中文版6 @; H8 b* Y5 y3 Y# Y3 ]+ C4 k
在26FUN分柝及把街頭SNAP SHOT 移至HK3X後, 大家只留在其中一版還是兩邊也有訪問?
0 p! H; h4 ?8 |0 ~% `# P4 a
( l2 t2 u/ r, c, H' e選擇一: 較多時間逗留在26FUN, 因為這裡可以討論及有較多文章
; w: |5 m& `% g選擇二: 較多時間在3X, 因為只想睇相及性討論
' h4 o- t7 P7 w( h; @$ }選擇三: 平均分配於兩版的時間
% ]4 J' e8 C7 \) B2 S- z. Y' _8 ^  v1 G  [9 x
[ Last edited by Gretzky on 2005-5-25 at 06:55 AM ]

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-25 05:59 AM:
. c0 |1 j* r2 k, D1 jWith the separation of the snapshot boards and the XXX content boards, are you more likely to stick with one? or maintain the same visits on both sites?
- m: T4 Z8 L) \* {  Lgood topic!i really appreciate you!
this forum has been so quiet ever since they made the reform, because new members do not have access to view the snapshot section. my friend opened a new account 2 days ago, and he is not allowed to either 'post' or 'reply' anything whatsoever, it says 'account status pending for verification' <----verified by admin or something? dunno# `7 f: R+ x* G& S5 a$ U" A

6 B  T' O8 j7 [i visit both sites, but xxx alot more.
agree with 阿篤, thx for the good topic Gretz, and that's y i've translated it into Chinese as well
Crap,1 f% H- y# M" ]
I used your chinsese word to change the title as well...
& t1 F2 t6 P8 d& C" {4 Lthanks man.; b& P$ `5 ]/ S2 G% F2 g
5 j. a8 q7 o& w* _3 E

great" Q  }* O. Q  b% Z: n2 ~
thanks a lot
較多時間逗留在26FUN,   J0 c8 K7 ~' C& `
Both 2 side are good~
5 x4 M# R5 t- ]0 U5 `Support 26FUN & 3X~
曾說三國迷無聊, 最後成為無知的三國迷~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 26FUN分柝後, 大家只留在其中一版還是兩邊也有訪問?

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