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Lottery for NBA Draft Pick

1. Milwaukee Bucks
2. Atlanta Hawks
3. Portland Trail Blazers
4. New Orleans Hornets
5. Charlotte Bobcats
6. Utah Jazz
7. Toronto Raptors
8. New York Knicks
9. Golden State Warriors
10. Los Angeles Lakers
11. Orlando Magic
12. Los Angeles Clippers
13. Charlotte Bobcats
14. Minnesota Timberwolves

15.  New Jersey
16.  Philadelphia (To TOR via DEN and NJN)
17.  Indiana
18.  Boston
19.  Memphis
20.  Washington (To DEN via ORL)
21.  Chicago (To PHO)
22.  Denver
23.  Sacramento
24.  Houston
25.  Seattle
26.  Detroit
27.  Dallas (To Utah)
28.  San Antonio
29.  Miami
30.  Phoenix (To NY via SAS)

[ Last edited by Ticat on 2005-5-24 at 11:56 PM ]
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
Raptors got 7 ... still can get some decent player this year ..... if the ppl in officer know what they doing ...
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
but thats a big if. look who they drafted last yr. best pick ever. plays 4 mins and gets like 3 fouls and has to sit for pretty much the rest of the game
what can i say .. raptor scout suck
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
after knowing the draft order from the lottery, i know Raptors won't get any good players we are hoping for, unless they trade up.....

Gerald Green will be gone by #7
i feel Deron Williams and Felton will be gone too by #7.....

Granger or Splitter are the ones the raps should really look at....
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
no, they did the lottery tonite during Suns-Spurs game, and the actually pick will happen usually in late June
Rumors became Stories. Stories became Legend
raptors need to choose a sg/sf

BUCKS拿到今年既frist Pick

1. Milwaukee Bucks
2. Atlanta Hawks
3. Portland Trail Blazers
4. New Orleans Hornets
5. Charlotte Bobcats
6. Utah Jazz
7. Toronto Raptors
8. New York Knicks
9. Golden State Warriors
10. Los Angeles Lakers
11. Orlando Magic
12. Los Angeles Clippers
13. Charlotte Bobcats *
14. Minnesota Timberwolves
Remaining order of selection
* From Cleveland via Phoenix
其實攞到 first pick 都未必一定有用,如果果年啲新秀實力好平均嘅話,排响頭十位嘅球隊分別並唔係太大。

咁多位 bro 知唔知今年啲新秀質素如何,有無啲好似 T.Duncan 同 LeBorn James 呢啲咁突出嘅球員呀。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Lottery for NBA Draft Pick

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