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[工作] 三大金飯碗行業, 係咪真係金飯碗? [積極+]

相信大家都聽過, 所謂三大金飯碗行業, 即係:% o0 G) y7 z/ E# |4 m$ J
+ \' B, U& f# x  a: `7 e: |2 t
會計師, 律師, 醫師
/ D% C7 t/ z9 m% t& M7 x3 x
% R0 M: S5 f0 G8 K9 ^$ C2 m! U/ U小弟有朋友讀緊 law 同 medicine, 自己就讀緊 account,
  S8 t4 g+ N4 q4 F6 O. Q* S: ^; m' D我地一直都有個疑問, 到底今日所付出, 將來係咪揸定個金飯碗 ?
$ Q% N- G: `/ S, ^% e3 l; J- K% p+ x' V. ~3 v" F4 L, J- q2 l4 s# u
大家都知要成為以上其中一個 "師"
+ X9 ]4 h4 g! H6 u+ M4 W; V0 r8 _都要用勁多時間, 金錢, 經驗, 身心勞力... 各方面
% }& C1 B: ?( n之後仲要考牌, 考完呢個試, 又要考另一個, 跟住又考第三個...9 d+ U0 U4 U$ ]* y0 G
一個吾好彩 fail 左, 可能要等一年半截先有得再考
& K( M8 C* V' g/ t- s' h# m+ h# y(你既人生能夠容許你考幾多次?)7 X5 a" r! i, N( |! x& ?

& l' e2 R: |- R6 O8 E# @再者, 吾同國家有吾同規格,
( e5 K$ r4 N( O你香港做到律師, 去第二度又另一回事
3 D2 u1 z- d/ i- u! a吾似其他行業, 就算你好有經驗, 用吾著就係用吾著
$ `+ d5 n" e! u8 v% Q$ L& l
( I4 N; X( C# N3 [吾知呢度有冇讀/做緊呢幾方面既朋友?% I5 i; B# K* N& Z+ h9 d
3 T, |6 r7 E% a; z  n- }* i5 K
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-3 at 11:55 AM ]
Accountant i agree. Cux even economic is bad and businesses need to close down, they will need accountants to be there till the last miniute in order to clacualte every single asset, loans and everything.7 J" a8 o- M7 N4 t* o- w! H

7 t# j; Y- e' R, i; P3 S  y2 N  bLaywer depends which type really. If you are a criminal laywer then yes, if you are the kind only responsible for contracts or legal advises, then they still depend on the economics.9 Z. Z7 G, }9 P  z* p
- @' N0 o- a* z. u
Doctors, i thinks this is the most universal occuaption of all. No matter african or chinese their body is pretty much the same.# y2 S* M8 S) ]6 \8 B7 d9 T- e; ]+ b

7 I6 L" e7 _6 K6 g# IThere is one more occuaption that i can think of is bascially 金飯碗..! `7 A* f8 k  V' m* B
No matter economy is good or bad, you need people to be in chrage of the firing or employing. HRS and accountant will be the last to go.
a) Accountant
+ S5 x! x3 W1 B8 h4 e+ m. C1 h- Not juicy income unless you become a chartered accountant, which takes some work experience and a lot of hard studies.
% j' Z5 f" J& |) U- The good thing is accounting is still one of the most sought after professions. In prosperity or recession, you still need good accountants.0 e2 s% N" v9 q! _2 k
- Training required: at least a good undergrad with chartered status takes about 8 to 10 yrs.
% f! U3 k, X1 j! q) m/ @! P/ cb)Lawyer
$ ]1 X8 p7 a7 |& K' ]8 F- Not as good as it used to be. Lawyers specialize in business/international laws are better off  today. Don't trust the TV shows, criminal lawyers are not as romantic/easy as the shows portrayed. Unless you work for the crown, future is not that good./ i! D0 |  K. ^2 V
- Training required: varies depending on country....anywhere from 4 to 8 yrs.
! D8 h1 t9 r$ N" Y: @3 n6 R: K' rc)Medical Doctor5 @% `$ \+ x& z% {: |2 l# ^
- Supplies are over the demands. The only place on earth where you get good paid with a basic G.P. is remote areas in N. America. ! u7 B5 E# J; S. A8 M, j8 ~. [5 k
- Don't even consider medicine unless you want to be a specialist/researcher beyond the basic G.P. training. Patients rights are at the highest in history. More docs get sued than people get bite by dogs. $ v0 Y! m' G2 p2 Z- z! c1 G+ G
-Training required: varies depending on country....from 6 to 12 yrs (excluding residency).

I agree with most of what yyy007 and Gretzky said, with the exception of their views on accountants.  While it's true that companies do need accountants despite how well the economy is, we have seen those Big 4 firms in HK laying off people crazily in the early 2000's.  The accounting industry only picked up the momentum in 2004, when the economy in Hong Kong started to improve.  Therefore, although the accounting industry is not quite as sensitive to the economy as the other industries, it is still driven by the macro economy.4 _; Q0 v, |: \' m+ G8 M

( ]. @# n6 u6 O7 ~% W( {- ?Just my humble opinion ...
9 @2 F- ]8 Q/ T6 M細firm / 齋做annual audit個d得個做字
. x0 f- s& [: x無油水架
呢個時世, 周街都大學生
8 x9 n, o2 v% R0 C6 V- X& `唔會再有咩金飯碗嫁啦
Originally posted by adamas at 2005-6-3 12:16 PM:
& t8 p4 A% _' ]呢個時世, 周街都大學生3 Q4 S2 `# v! b# m' M) r* S
9 R2 W1 m" E3 G( n" n  \
" I8 p* L# g; Z& J2 f
唔係喎, 跟本就兩回事
7 S: ]2 x& j1 M: y( g8 g大學生點算係金飯碗?
! E( [  }' L0 D大學生同"師"邊有得比?2 B- S1 [3 d  ?+ \' S! E
2 j8 \. ]0 k, j  E% m6 D
大學生讀會計出黎做會計文員, 朝9晚5
" U5 S: X1 S' k# ]. S# t: j會計師讀會計出黎開會計師樓, 接生意, 大企劃, 顧問, 甚至教書, 寫書都得
2 N0 \1 x% [! d1 s  A7 b/ b專業程度差天共地
, u2 _, Z6 v+ [. h& x: h" y5 ?) y9 g% |. d+ b+ K
不過一分耕耘, 一分收獲2 X1 b* h3 P- y( i# D
大學生的確周街都係, 主要睇你有冇意思要更進一步1 S# Y; Z1 e/ O! f
讀多個 master, 你既條件又比周街既大學生高一層
' P6 u' ]4 R: D6 c' h; H: s( L4 w/ I自然有更好待遇了
Of the three professoins, I would rather be a doctor. At least their high income is a sure thing.! P/ m/ w, r3 k. H2 a/ E
& Y7 ^5 O. S; U8 L
Majority of the accounting jobs do not have good income. And they need to work long hours. I heard that HK accounants are over in supply too...$ Y5 T; F7 m1 L$ H& V6 e2 f: a$ p

, K5 l* [+ e9 e/ l* H/ _" OLawyers... I think they are similar to accountants job market except their markets are more limited.
I'm studying 行政及法律事務 now (in IVE)....
& y1 k* |4 E8 D/ }4 W" @讀 law 真係幾命 ga ...
1 w1 y% R: I7 z! e$ \$ d. _勁多野記.....
% ~  x9 b  p3 D( D& S2 e* E如果真係想成為一個律師.起碼都要讀多3年U 先得~~9 @. C3 N# T7 }% r6 A
真係漫漫長路 LU ...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [工作] 三大金飯碗行業, 係咪真係金飯碗? [積極+]

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