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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 您覺得中藥是否好過西藥? [積極回應者+]
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您覺得中藥是否好過西藥? [積極回應者+]

Do you think Chinese medicine is better than Western?
* R, U9 U9 z; p1 G1 Q: b
# G3 m4 [  g. a9 r) [9 H# y! j& @it is beacuse Chinese medicine normally is balancing the human body to achieve recover rather like Western to tackle / breakdown the virus to health
# Z1 E; N0 z0 X) {' m# A& p  x
/ y7 }# H7 ?: s1 e% ][ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-3 at 12:18 PM ]
Hard to compare la.  Chinese medicine is more preventive while western medicine is only useful if something is wrong.
Originally posted by nirvana_169 at 2005-5-31 09:15 PM:
, z; N7 N5 h% A, s3 q: L- Y% W0 ZDo you think Chinese medicine is be...
6 M  ?6 Z7 _0 c( _. q# L, f; ethat's a question with a very very long answer.
' M# Z- m. x/ {( T! s/ h  r# }
. [  a, y% D* ybut there is nothing better or worse as such.
Some physical ailments need operative procedure, and unfortunately Chinese medicine can't do it. Even patients in the Mainland uses surgeries to get well.
% G9 T0 D5 ?' y6 e& q1 |; B: r# v, h1 h1 s# g# Q( `
But for minor sickness and preventive medicine, Chinese Medicine has its own worth.
3 e5 C" A8 x2 D* {$ Z; X
+ S* w- ?2 ~3 v1 O) H* HYour question is a bit too general, if you need a specific instruction I would suggest seeing a doctor (Chinese or Western) la.) s+ p  x# g3 e0 w
& `* r2 l. @% u+ u

i can't tell which one is better ....but there is one thing i think it is very amazing from the chinese Dr....becoz they can just touching your hand that they can know what is going on in your body.......that is very cool......but i believe in chinese more than western....
7 D% m* |7 u0 x無既話我先答您
邊樣好d都係睇情況。& e* T1 i8 ?. w5 n9 l
% V. [, E6 z4 g8 ?, c
8 N# d% D8 T7 Q+ [但係食西藥可能有副作用,飲咳水食感冒藥都可能覺得眼訓。( J& D, L  z" `5 o- M! f
6 W9 M. `( z- `, g) Z+ v' N* e1 c  \7 ~4 D
- Z  ]  r. l7 `9 k$ Z8 C% Q西藥好似只係針對醫病,保健方面西醫平時就叫人有均衡飲食、做多d運動、注意生活規律。。。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 您覺得中藥是否好過西藥? [積極回應者+]

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