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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [飲食]有冇人可以教小弟用微波爐整烚蛋?[積極+]
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Originally posted by waterfire at 2005-6-9 02:16 AM:/ ^4 u9 N* H$ R: W
但係點解唔得ge' i; ?& J: R# F1 ^% o' x- r
照理上, 用高壓ge 方法熟熱d 水1 f( m+ [0 a5 V2 J7 S1 O  S
再用d 熱水煮熟隻蛋, 個道理係咁ga wor~
. s5 o; n9 z8 g$ {
! K( k7 `4 N) G8 G- O
Microwave is not a pressure cooker ah! (what you describe is more like the pressure cooker method)( H& i4 V: m' p3 {2 R
+ X0 H. q/ m* x3 _& Q
Even if you can boil an egg with the microwave, the molecules of the eggs would have been changed somewhat and eating it all the time is not good for the body (possible cause of colon cancer).# [) s6 A8 W: D8 l
7 N  _5 u/ P' v" }* i! R
Buddy, never put water and boil it in microwave......you are luck it didn't explode in your face (cuz the egg absorbed all the energy).   j% r+ h, h8 R' \4 h

9 K9 Z# i& n' a) Y/ e/ ~- WIf I was you, i would have some bread or crackers at home for the mid night hunger.3 c# H2 [/ o1 s+ {) m% j5 R) u/ e+ l
3 C1 n1 q2 M$ |( Y8 W

Originally posted by waterfire at 2005-6-9 02:16 AM:: Z; _& v: n! A' l. o
7 S0 `: n4 Y# C( t照理上, 用高壓ge 方法熟熱d 水* Q8 ^1 W! b7 n" |
再用d 熱水煮熟隻蛋, 個道理係咁ga wor~
8 J* Q7 d! v# J% ?" E: ^" }8 I

% u  a  Z. p1 [7 d) _7 g: G2 {7 oThe explosion is due to rapid heating with the microwave oven. This causes rapid steam buildup inside the shell that led to the explosion.
$ k5 p! K) Y9 K- c1 V/ \
) c) N4 P+ L9 C+ N5 m4 aIn the case of boiling the egg, the egg is being cooking slowly. There is no rapid steam buildup. Secondly, the egg proteins would slowly aggregate and solidify. This solidified structure would prevent the egg from exploding.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
是可以的,用較大的盒,有600-700cc 的水,可放1-3隻蛋
+ C- P$ L2 d* o- l8 P9 H8 `) Q有足夠空間給它跳動,用高火,10-15分鐘,監察蛋殼,
  v3 c: c9 `: L* W/ D有烈即停,即使烈開,蛋也是熟的,還可吃
Originally posted by yksin at 2005-6-9 10:17 AM:
; V" @7 E; [& N7 w- I是可以的,用較大的盒,有600-700cc 的水,可放1-3隻蛋4 h3 j7 L$ x8 W1 A0 l, x
有足夠空間給它跳動,用高火,10-15分鐘,監察蛋殼,; o3 @4 A7 U3 ]9 `
; ~* Y: e( f7 B
- ]( p" ^* x! J# @6 u  k6 U
睇睇第 22 同 第 33 個 post9 K$ i  s# T5 ]% H; _, u1 @
" h0 m( ^+ z$ a7 L2 a# E* }
# K. K: c  \! M5 m1 T[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-6-9 at 10:42 AM ]
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [飲食]有冇人可以教小弟用微波爐整烚蛋?[積極+]

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