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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家想要最低工資嗎?.?
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假如有間清潔公司, 請咗10個清潔工人, 每人人工$4000, 總人工資出$40,000.如果政府將最低工資set到做$5000, 以下邊個情況發生o既機會高啲??
. V5 X9 I# D9 c2 z% b* x
, ], }7 Y! C' o$ O6 ^1  老闆好順攤, 10個工人每人加$1000人工, 老闆無啦啦俾多$10,000; I, P- ?0 {/ e& Q. t( i! H) t

4 f. l& u% C- E( M2  炒兩個, 剩番嗰8個加$1000人工, 但做埋炒咗嗰兩個啲嘢, 而總人工資出keep 住$40,000
Originally posted by kuni at 2005-6-22 10:33 PM:
  B, w  f! Z6 \2 H6 z% \/ z假如有間清潔公司, 請咗10個清潔工人,...
% n4 O: S# Z5 f# Z0 L( W
- @# Z2 Z: Q* Z' V* V- v5 x
係啦 , d 老闆會有計慳返條數的9 O. O" Q2 I9 e) U# l
至於最高工時 , 其實大陸都有 , 點解香港反而會沒有的呢 ?
Originally posted by kuni at 2005-6-22 10:33 PM:
2 z# h9 U/ T" ^: F" N* P假如有間清潔公司, 請咗10個清潔工人,...
! u& [6 F  N9 w3 a/ `
! t8 X% _7 I, [* z( `好好既經濟定理wow... 勁人勁人..., l& N3 f  i& s7 q/ q
但係樓下好似唔係好明... 現在我明點解d議員話呢樣野就會多人投佢啦
! g  V, [0 m( m工資應由市場決定
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-23 02:53 AM:5 O, q6 x. J+ j0 k
8 F% n6 r$ \. Q
. c2 T- F8 D0 ~# R% J
Actually, what you're saying is call "inflation", nothing is gain from inflation.  Everybody seems to make more money but the real buying power of each dollar will drop.
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
等我都講下econ先. c; G% Q3 n" K2 p0 ?

1 ^. z7 m* ^0 S8 e; ]3 S4 Y) ]suppose that the minimum wage is practiced and it is practicable.# z% f1 O. Z$ M, G9 Y) p+ \
the amount of labour supply will exceed the number of jobs available.9 n: D0 q5 R6 \
jobs must be allocated by some non-wage criteria,such as
& Q' |9 y$ E% a% d" X3 wexperience,appearence,age,education level,etc.
. V3 k7 l  |) H' g0 Vi will suffer from minimum wage because i haven't experience.+ H: e* h/ [/ K1 V# c$ K
besides,it also will lead to rent dissipation and waste the resouses of society.0 R/ B$ {, W/ W# c2 z. L
so,i don't want the minimum wage legislation.
Try to use Chinese, but pressing [Esc] two times to lose the content. I use Eng. to express my idea.
- w; \, c, E; ]1 p& B. T+ eI think that we can consider the case in two aspects:5 y! u3 D8 `6 J
Whether there is a need to have min. salary, the most important thing needed to be considered (at least by some high position people) is the stage of economic development and the supply of job, supply of labour and employment rate of the place.7 T# u, u/ l% \6 o* O9 H
If the salary is floating in freedom without control, it will have great impact social stabilities on developing (early stage) or under recovery country/place. Maybe we can think about the situation in north of China during 80 and 90 decades; of course, we can also consider the case of Hong Kong in past few years.
/ w2 w/ @( r+ w1 Q0 XMost people feel not comfortable to the goverment as their basic needs on salary (or min living standard) cannot be met.
' l; F' c3 q/ ~In this case, especially for a large country as China (many people), it needs to have some control this area.
. f8 M, h2 l" ^5 }7 x8 tOf course, it will have negative impact to market and may cause some lost in resource as not in optimal free market point.
' c, U5 x9 o# D1 U& V$ q& uOn the market side, especially for the investors, this min. salary will definitely increase the cost of operation. For example, in the past, I worked in a big company, when local goverment tried to increase the min. salary level by ~100RMB, it increased the cost by almost several % to profit (terrible figures). In some case, management  start to think about further investment is  justified. # _2 S9 C" l; R3 O3 a& _
Finally, I want to say that the min. salary can be applied. However, it needs to consider the new optimal point, under the control that businesses can absorb the added cost.
6 s* D: T5 S8 }6 b1 ALater on, when the country/place grow up, it can release the control and let it floating in the market.
小弟唔易做, 大佬更難當
飲茶你行先, 吹水我最叻 (好文區茶客 - 冰鮮潛龍™寫於人間死城)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家想要最低工資嗎?.?

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