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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 湖人May be 收購Lebron James in 2006/07 season
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for reference purposes, please go to http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com ... 6/truth.rumors.nba/

as you can see, this is still a rumour but given yao has already signed an extension with the rockets, it's no secret the lakers will pursue other free agents such as nowitzki, carter or pierce etc.

no disrespect to anyone, but please consult more basketball related sites before criticising others. the notion that basketball news from china = fradulent news is totally unsound. please people, there are retuers, associate press and a nba headquarter in beijing which are responsible for the dissemination of nba movements. you may have read someone posting up a news claiming it from a source in china which the news in the end proves to be fradulent and come up with the impression that news from china = no credibility at all. things are different when you can look outside the limited websites you browse.

to come back to the alleged plan of the lakers, lbj teaming up with kobe is not impossible, i agree with the suggestion that they are both the "main guy" on any team, so it is hard to see them playing together. but i just wonder, nba managers always pay people lip service and i think there is a possibility that kobe will be traded (e.g.you didn't think shaq would be traded back then?) so as to get lbj. everyone is dispensable, except mj.
may be,中文發音係"未必"

[ Last edited by YUEN_LOUIS on 2005-9-8 at 05:40 PM ]
rumour = information not yet proven.
alleged = claimed, proposed

enough said.

Thanks for your teaching.... (English, and I am talking about this seriously)

[ Last edited by brightlee on 2005-9-8 at 10:19 PM ]
Originally posted by cs at 2005-9-7 09:41 AM:
I thought that under the current CBA, the Cavs can pay James way more than the Lakers can.  Obviously James could get more sponsorship money on the side, but the Lakers cannot promise such "side deals".

James is still an enigma in terms of his personality, as he has done a good job molding out his image. But I would think that he'll look at Shaq and Odom and decide not to play with Kobe.
Well, but playing in L.A. offers LBJ more explosure to the World, since L.A. is always the spotlights of the World, the centre of entertainment.  I am sure if LBJ plays in L.A. he will have a larger market share in the NBA and a better 'side deal' than he is with the Cavs since LBJ can be promoted as a Hollywood superstars or something...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 湖人May be 收購Lebron James in 2006/07 season

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