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we'll see how gansta Inverson can look in a million-dollar suit.

Check out the nba logo himself:


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Originally posted by ciger at 2005-10-20 03:42 PM:
我的最愛: Miki、Stephy、阿仙奴、AC米蘭
Originally posted by skjeiw at 2005-10-20 04:32 AM:

they are not doing anything in their personal life
(although...most of the time that we see them...or all of the time that we see them they'll be in either suits or team uniforms)

Lebron said it
it is indeed a job
and alot of jobs require uniform
dont' see why can't them do it

of coz
if they go MacDonDon, they can wear whatever they wanna

or if kobe decided to "kobe" someone else again
he doesnt' have to wear suit
Originally posted by herothree at 2005-10-20 10:04 PM:
and alot of jobs require uniform
dont' see why can't them do it
There are also alot of jobs that don't require uniform, and I don't see why they have to do it. Usually, the more valuable a person is, the less "irrelevant requirement" with which he has to comply. Look at MacDonald's workers, then look at Mark Cuban. It really comes down to if the employer would like the employees feel comfortable and do the best in what they do. You don't spend USD10,000 a month to hire someone and waste his energy by forcing him into uncomfortable clothing.

These NBA players are hired to perform, the NBA rules are adjusted to be entertaining as well as to promote individual style and flair, and even the refs give out "superstar treatment". After all these, it's very puzzling why the players have ot dress like a bunch of cohesive low-level business men.

Anyways, the player union didn't object the change in the newest CBA. So it is a really clever move by David Stern to slip it under the radar.
man utd~~~CARRICK

Cyndi Wang
David Stern + Blatter 足球同籃球的絕配。兩個都好亂黎。好保守的兩個人

"好鐘意AI講的說話"#“I think it’s wrong. You shouldn’t judge a person from what they wear.”

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA限制球員衣飾

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