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[新聞轉貼] 冇中文 大約意思係C, Ronaldo 涉嫌強姦

Man Utd winger Ronaldo quizzed on rape allegations

Manchester United star Cristiano Ronaldo was arrested on Wednesday and is being questioned by detectives on suspicion of rape.

The 20-year-old Portuguese international went voluntarily to a police station in London to speak to police investigating an allegation made by a woman.

She claims she was seriously sexually assaulted in a penthouse suite at the Sanderson Hotel in central London on October 2.

The star is expected to emphatically deny any wrongdoing.

A spokesman for Manchester United said the club was not releasing a statement about Ronaldo's arrest. Director of communications Phil Townsend said: 'We're not commenting at the moment.'

Ronaldo was asked to attend a police station today by officers from Scotland Yard's Operation Sapphire team, which investigates sex crime.

A second man in his 30s also kept an appointment at the police station. He is thought to have been with the player on the night but has not been arrested.

The claims against Ronaldo are thought to have been made by two women.

After Ronaldo is interviewed, police may pass their findings to the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether to prosecute.

The allegations against him follow a series of high-profile cases involving sex allegations against footballers.

In September last year two Premiership players were interviewed over an alleged gang rape at the Grosvenor House hotel in central London.

The Crown Prosecution Service later decided there was insufficient evidence for them to be charged.

Also last year three Leicester City players faced allegations of sexually assaulting three women in a five-star hotel on a training camp in Spain.

They spent six nights in jail there but all charges against them were dropped.

In January last year, rape charges were dropped against ex-Chelsea player Jody Morris and a friend after they were accused of raping a woman in Leeds.

Arsenal's Dutch striker Robin van Persie was held in jail in Rotterdam earlier this year after being accused of rape. He was released after two weeks and maintains his innocence.

sorry 冇中文   大約意思係C, Ronaldo 涉嫌強姦

轉貼   ESPNsoccernet.com
頭先聽人講都嚇左一跳= ="

C 朗拿度被拘捕

曼聯球員C 朗拿度涉嫌在倫敦強姦一名女子被蘇格蘭場警方拘捕。

曼聯暫未對此發表任何意見。C 朗拿度涉嫌在10 月2 日強姦一名女子。

蘇格蘭場警方証實該案中兩名男子接受調查,當中一人被正式拘捕,但未肯証實該男子為C 朗拿度。

有報道指C 朗拿度自願到警方投案。

而另一位30 歲的男子亦被警方調查,但未有正式被警方拘捕。
903 新聞有報道
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英國曼聯(相關新聞 - 網站)足球隊的葡萄牙國腳C朗拿度涉嫌強姦,周三被英國警方拘捕。



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